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I have been investing in India since the beginning of the year via ETF $QDV5 and a savings plan. As of today, it should make up 7.5% (currently 4.09%) of my portfolio.

I am also glad that Modi was re-elected this year, even if he shows ethnic and authoritarian tendencies.
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@Ash Yes, and unfortunately very clearly. I wonder what the world will say about this man, his policies and their impact on the world in a few years' time. His roots lie in a Hindu nationalist movement that is striving for a geographically larger India and, as far as I know, he is still a member today. I am not uncritical of the man.
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@Ash did also invest some in the ETF. Think very good for long term. Don’t know anything about that man haha
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@Demas You invest in a country without knowing who is running the place? Sure, why not.
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@SteelAnacott I don’t have time for these rich people. I only look at the companies in that country and see potential. The world is without borders 😄
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@Demas Based on your thesis, you probably invest a lot in China, right?
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@SteelAnacott I got like 15% of my portfolio from Asia and you?