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I'm doing well 💪🏼 I was transferred to a new unit 2 weeks ago and am now doing a training course that positions me somewhat awkwardly, so that I have to travel a long way to my social food points. However, I am looking forward to the upcoming challenges that the new year in particular will bring. I feel ready, but I am aware that my social situation will suffer because, despite the slogan that family and career should be compatible, the official duties of a soldier take a back seat to his private life. I have very clear goals and am willing to make sacrifices to achieve my goals. However, I am sorry that I cannot give certain people who are important to me the attention they deserve. That is the current state of affairs for me. How are you @DonkeyInvestor?
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@hendrik_lmr Great attitude. Wish you and your "social contacts" a lot of stamina. I hope it's worth it! Everything is going well for me. Child coming soon, new job started. Currently, of course, everything a bit exhausting. And soon even more exhausting. But everything is also going very well ☺️
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@DonkeyInvestor I am glad to hear that! I wish you and your family all the best and as pleasant a final bond as possible. I hope the stress doesn't distract you from enjoying the situation too often
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@hendrik_lmr nope, that's not distracting. Thank you ☺️
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@hendrik_lmr good luck and that with the social contacts and the family is challenging but doable; I wish you all the best.
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@Barsten Thank you 🙏🏼
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@hendrik_lmr Which location are you going to or which course are you allowed to attend? Career training course?🤔
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@UnknowU Exactly, are career training courses. Next year in Sonthofen and now in Dresden
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@hendrik_lmr In beautiful Dresden, however, you can stand it well. Sonthofen is visually very beautiful, but it's at the ass end of the world. But just when you can look out of the auditorium on the mountains, that has something. Hope you don't have to stay there longer😅
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@UnknowU Sonthofen is not even that bad for me 😂 and yes definitely the most visually beautiful duty station so far