
$TRMD A (+0,8 %)

Just a general question for everyone:

I recently noticed the company TORM. I just had a quick look at a few key figures and almost fell over the dividend of an incredible 16% (which is even paid out quarterly).

"Dampskibsselskabet TORM (TORM) is a leading shipping company in the product tanker sector with headquarters in Hellerup, Denmark. TORM owns and operates a fleet of around 90 tankers that transport gasoline, kerosene, naphtha and diesel, among other things."

The chart doesn't look too bad either...

Is the share too good to be true? :)

13 Commentaires

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They have a negative cash flow of over 8 million euros to be able to pay these dividends.

In addition, they have already had to carry out a capital increase for the purchase of a new ship.
What will it be like when the other 7 ships arrive?

Then it seems that either no bank will want to finance the ships for the company or it will be easier to raise money from investors.

Personally, I would keep my hands off it.
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