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Do you think that a huge automobile company like VW can go bankrupt? When the diesel scandal broke, they were also on the verge of bankruptcy and could only be saved thanks to the German government. Under Olaf Scholz that will probably not happen this time.
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@Alumdria "If you don't move with the times, you move with the times."
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@Alumdria Nothing is impossible. Nokia was also invincible
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@Alumdria green are to blame, not time
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@Seebi Schwurbler-Alarm
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@Liebesspieler Thank goodness the Greens will soon be history 🙏 With Merz, the electric car is history anyway
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@Seebi well then 🤡
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@Alumdria the state of Lower Saxony holds large shares. Employees in German locations pay taxes. As with Wirecard and Cum Ex, Olaf will also open the stock exchange here.