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there are plenty of providers. You can actually use any CEX, I think Kraken even has the trading pair. Personally, I'm skeptical that ada will have another huge run, but they are best positioned of the last top 10 alts from any bullrun
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@Magellan In fact, I orientate myself to the top 10. Below that, it's too exciting for me ;-) And 50 euros in $BTC to stuff is then but something very conservative. Is Monero now traded everywhere? My last stand (months ago) was that it is not listed on many exchanges, because by the anonymity to very money laundering is possible and the exchanges had not listed the coin because of supervision. But is really an old stand with me. XMR I have also only because I have dealt technically with the topic of surfing and that goes somewhat with CPU instead of GPU (ok it is now too technical ;-) )