
Summer is in full swing. I was less active on social media in July (as I am now) as I use every suitable afternoon to go swimming and sunbathing at one of the large open-cast lakes around Leipzig. While I alternate between swimming laps in the water and reading a book on the beach while sunbathing, my investments continue to work hard for me. That's how it has to be. The money should always come in passively while I do other nice things. Now it's time for another monthly review.

I present the following points for the past month of July 2024:

Additional purchases





P2P loans


Further thoughts


➡️ Subsequent purchases

While the sun has spoiled me, the portfolio has also relaxed. There was only one significant event for me, the small crash of the $NKE (+9,5 %) . I took advantage of this and added to my holdings. I bought exactly one share from the liquidation of a euro coin collection from 2002, remaining cash and dividends that had not yet been reinvested. One share doesn't sound like much, but for me, who is fully invested, it was the best I could do. The main thing is that the money works for me.

I also bought the $TDIV (+0,7 %) and $FGEQ (+0,85 %) several times thanks to cashback and unreinvested dividends from the previous month. The whole thing was done as a one-off savings plan to top up an old custody account. Each of my custody accounts should generate a cash flow in the form of investment income

➡️ Shares

Some shares are consolidating somewhat. For example $AVGO (+2,97 %) only +138% in the portfolio. The heavyweight is represented in the portfolio volume of $WMT (-1,47 %) and $NOVO B (+1,62 %) $MSFT dropped a few ranks and $AAPL and $SAP are catching up. There are always a few changes in the management team among my large positions. I see the whole thing as a living system.

In terms of performance $NFLX (+1,43 %) with +80% and $NOVO B (+1,62 %) This suits me, even if the figures were better in the previous month.

I won't go into the end of the chain this time, as there is no change from the previous month, except that the minus is moving back towards zero and is therefore "smaller". All in all, the shares are doing exactly what they should, and I had hardly looked at the portfolio for the month anyway.

➡️ ETFs

I continue to invest stubbornly and steadily and, if there is any extra money left over, I add to it as described above. ETFs form the basis of my retirement provision and everyone should simply have some. Then poverty in old age would no longer be an issue. Unfortunately, the majority of Germans don't understand this and prefer to invest in overpriced crutches from the insurance industry, which are useless.

➡️ Dividends

I received 20 distributions on 11 payout days in July. I'm grateful for this still small, but very nice income stream.

I am keeping a close eye on the development of the dividends. Especially for the coming fall months, I look at the dividend forecast here in getquin. I can see that I will always exceed my target of €80 in dividends per month by the end of the year. This means that I can definitely increase this figure in my portfolio planning. I will do this at the end of Q3 or at the latest when I draw up my budget for the new year and raise it from €80 to up to €100. There will be many months in which the dividends will be higher and only in a few months will they be slightly lower. In addition, the time at which I use up the corresponding allowance on each custody account will naturally move a little closer to the beginning of the year in each of the coming years. From my net salary, I always transfer the tax-free allowance that my employer gives me for the Germany Ticket in addition to my taxed salary to a provision in case the dividends are not enough to cover the 80 planned euros. I have had to use much less of this this year than I thought. This is pleasing and shows that I am planning even more conservatively than necessary. If you want to know more about this system, I'll explain it again in a separate post.

➡️ Cashback

In July, I redeemed €12 in payback points, deducted the equivalent value from my food account and invested in the ETFs described in point 1. I still prefer this method to cashing out the points, as it prevents me from spending more than planned on food. At the moment, REWE is refunding points for redemption, i.e. it's time to "print money" again. That's why my strategy is more worthwhile than cashing out the points.

➡️ P2P loans

There is no difference here compared to the previous month, which is why I won't go into any more detail. I'll be glad when I can finally leave this asset class behind me one day.

➡️ Crypto

I'm staying on the sidelines. Now is not the time for me to become active, just to observe. And even that is not important enough for me at the moment. I explained my general strategy last month. So it's no secret to anyone that I will gradually sell off my cryptos when the time comes. I will then invest the proceeds in quality stocks that pay a healthy dividend. One of these will be "the big blue" insurance company, which maintains an army of excellent salespeople disguised as so-called advisors. I was able to convince myself of their quality in a conversation with a colleague about his Riester contract. So while others invest their hard-earned money in junk insurance products, I prefer to buy shares in the insurance company and profit from its business. And the dividends I receive from this will then be used to accumulate new cryptos bit by bit in the coming bear market.


➡️ Further thoughts

July had something much more important for me than my "investment of the heart". It was a very special time. As in March, my ex's daughters came to visit again, this time twice for several days each. Neither of them are my own flesh and blood, but I have played the role of "social father" to both of them for several years and helped raise them. We made the most of this time, often bathing them. The older one in particular demanded more attention and time than the last time. A great development, as she now has other things on her mind in her teenage years and the trend was different until last year. I don't take this for granted and am therefore very happy that I am still playing an (increasing) role in the kids' lives. These are the moments in life when I am allowed to be a father without being a (biological) father.

➡️ Outlook

For August, I will receive some money from a cashback portal and from a reimbursement via the health insurance bonus program. We'll see what I invest it in. Or will I make another donation? You'll find out more in the next review.



Instagram post about the review: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-qVE_6NdV9/

X Profile: https://x.com/frugalfreisein

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@frugalfreisein

10 Commentaires

Which is your favorite lake? 😃 I'm from Markkleeberg, hence the question.
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Thanks for your update and contribution 😊👍 I know how much time you have to put into a post like this 😊👍
Afficher la réponse
image de profil
You always go into a lot of detail, but without the numbers it's always like a good night story. If that were added, it would be something. I also did it in such detail once, see: https://getqu.in/IMI3pJ/
Is it a bit more tangible then what you think and what it also brings
Do you only use Payback for cashback or also something online?
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