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Hello, your portfolio really only consists of one title? If so, how did it come about?
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@Levinson_G am actually currently all in MPW. The reason behind this is quite simple: I am sure that there is an enormous opportunity here and the security of greater diversification is not worth the foreseeable return on speculation. I bought MPW for the first time at around €10, because as a dividend stock with a secure ( 😅 ) business model it fitted well into the portfolio and I thought the setback, including the short reports, was exaggerated. The shorts were more right than I would have liked, but the discrepancy between my valuation of the company and that of the market has widened as the share price has fallen. I am now so deeply involved in the company that I am sure I will get x2-x3 out of it and then have a good dividend stock. The risk is certainly not 0, but I think I can estimate it well enough and consider it low. The current concentration has more to do with the length of the recovery process - I buy with every euro I save up to my purchase price.
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@Monnie very wild but still interesting. Have you seen my MPW position 🤓
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@Levinson_G this looks much more diversified - congratulations on the entry price at MPW (wish I had waited that long 😄)
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@Monnie this has nothing to do with Schorts the thing is that they simply dilute the course
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@Danieldani by shorts I mean the short thesis. In other words, the reasons for an expected price decline. Dilution would be new to me. Currently, the company mwn cannot even issue shares to generate liquidity. Previous share issues for debt repayment/ real estate purchases are within the scope of what one can expect from a REIT.
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@Monnie That was at the beginning of the year and I went in with three tranches close to the low point. At times I was already up 60 %. Someone on YouTube made a good company presentation and plausibly explained that the sell-off was not justified to this extent and that the intrinsic value of the company clearly exceeded the market capitalization... I have also collected dividends since then. Yes, I was really lucky