Would be too many ETFs for me personally. I would probably go to a MSCI ACWI or FTSE All World instead of World+EM. In addition, then maybe max. 2-3 themes ETFs. Must just rebalance everything.
@MKLO Well you should rebalance your ETFs 1x a year so that they have your percent weighting again. Either by selling and new run or adjust the savings plan rate. And that would be me with 7 ETFs Too much effort and cost. I initially wanted a portfolio on zick ETFs. Am then ultimately but fortunately only the FTSE All World. 70/30 has as far as I know a few years ago performed better than 90/10 (All World). My but if you only look at the last few years it looks different. Just depends on whether you want to weight according to GDP or market capitalization.
@MKLO maybe interesting for you: https://www.finanzwesir.com/blog/etf-index-rendite-vergleich
@MKLO but is already a bit older (2015). Would have to see how far the EM have run. But if you look purely times this year, you would have done better with 100% MSCI World than with the ACWI (90% World + 10% EM). So the higher you set your EM share, the worse it would have run. Which is of course no indication for the future.