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So a TER of 0.5% is one of the more expensive ETFs. Especially when you look at your portfolio, there are definitely cheaper and better ones. If it's more of a small building block because you like the concept, then you can do it.
@Dividenden-Sammler What alternatives are there to Gerd Kommer Etfs?
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@TheMo1 As I said before, if I see it as a core/basic investment in the portfolio, I would use an MSCI World, Allworld or S&P500 ETF as standard.
You can certainly add it as an additional/satellite ETF if you like the concept.
It just depends on your strategy and what purpose it should fulfill in your portfolio.
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@TheMo1 I do it myself. So multi-factor ETF. Rebalance with new money. In principle, Kommer also suggested this in one of his books before he launched his ETF.
So you can do the whole thing yourself more cheaply, for example by getting an MSCI World Momentum Value and Quality at a 0.25% TER. If it runs for a long time and you have several ETFs in savings plans. Of course, there are pros and cons.
Pros: Cheaper, I can individualize it. If I want to ignore a risk premium, I leave it alone. I can personalize it. An Emerging Markets Quality has a TER of 0.49%. If I don't like that, I leave it out and go much cheaper.
Con: High expense due to rebalancing, if I can't rebalance enough by saving alone and have to sell, taxes to be paid could cancel out the cost advantage. I have to save in several ETFs, which could lead to higher fees with some brokers, especially without a savings plan.

I personally opted for this as I find 0.5% very high. However, it should be added that the transaction costs of 0.03% are lower than for many other ETFs.

I hope that wasn't too cryptic. I have the feeling that I wrote it down a bit chaotically. So please ask if anything was unclear.
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf But an ACWI would probably be simpler if it's only about global weighting. Or this Prime Global.
@SchlaubiSchlumpf Thank you for all your tips and advice. What do you think of Prime global 2:1 Ex Usa? This mix seems to be similar to the Gerd Kommer Etf but of course cheaper