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I thought we wanted to become CO2 neutral ?
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@Reinecke People willing to become CO2 neutral should start to show us the path by stopping breathing air
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@Jo_Wolf I have 150 hectares of forest 🥱 that compensates.
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@Reinecke "We" is not humanity per se
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@7Trader but if the house is washed away or it's abnormally hot, then EVERYONE howls. It remains to be seen whether this is due to CO2.
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@Reinecke Apart from the newspapers, I haven't heard from anyone that it's abnormally hot at the moment.

It's summer, it's supposed to be hot.

And if you live or build your house in a high water zone, you have to expect flooding every few years.
There are even well-founded maps to make you aware of the danger.

There is no single WE in such controversial issues
@Jo_Wolf also being vegan they fart much more producing more methane than folks on an ordinary diet. Your suggestion sounds fair and the last generation should take it literally
I wouldn't bet on an Airbus & Boeing "duopoly". The Chinese will support their own aircraft manufacturer until they are at least the leader in their domestic market, and just as the Europeans are committed to the interests of their own companies, the Chinese will soon gain a foothold in Europe.