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@risk_minister69 between 2008 and 2020
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This investment horizon! That you've held on for soooo long, I mean why wouldn't you dump a stock at 200%, u know
And that you've simply been in it for so long.
You don't see that often
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@Dividani Time is of the essence, my grandpa used to say 😉 Yes, the temptation to sell was often there, but I've always been able to resist. Now I'm restructuring my portfolio. The stocks I'm currently holding should stay put for at least the next 20 years. This is my biggest portfolio where it's all about buy and hold. In addition, I am using my current salary to build up another portfolio, which has been under construction since around the middle of last year. It now contains a little over 20k. Some of the positions in this portfolio will also be transferred to buy and hold at some point and then I have a children's portfolio with 18 individual stocks that I am saving €10-15 for my son's 20th birthday.
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Awesome !!! A good plan :)
I've been at it for 3 years now and have 32k together... without crypto (probably stays that way)
Found a good way for me...
You can have a look at my site I think you can recognize a strategy 😂😉
Next month there will be a savings plan
Munich re Allianz mcsi share and Broadcom in
I think I'll be well positioned then... I currently have a monthly dividend of €80 ... my goal is 200 per month for now, then we'll see what happens next