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The OS has its valuation date on 17.04, i.e. just under a month.
The closer the valuation date comes, the lower the price movements will be when it is well out of the money.

Perhaps the video will help you a little further
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I was aware of that. And the price movements then take place so abruptly? I had imagined it to be more continuous with the visual curve illustrations.
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@Aktien-Joe no, because it is far out of the money.
This is different with knock-out certificates, as the leverage changes.

If RWE were now above €34, you would probably see more price movement.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur okey - I'll have to think about it more carefully. The topic of in / on / out of the money and the effect on the price of the OS doesn't seem to be fully understood by me yet. Thank you :)