
$TKA (+3,88 %) is currently in the ATL and is now attractively priced to get in.

How do you see the company and its chances after the big takeover by the Czech billionaire?

10 Commentaires

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A share on the ATL is a reason for me not to get in 👍
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Thyssen can do more than just steel. But Thyssen is also a construction site. I bought because the individual parts are worth more than the share price and the break-up or spin-off can still create value. The sale of the marine division is also on the cards and in the meantime they are also profitable and pay dividends.
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Not for me, steel is expensive due to the green ideologues and there are global production surpluses.
Possibly speculating on a split 🧐...
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All time low for Thyssen Krupp. Mano what was the share hyped years ago unfortunately my investment here didn't work out positively either 😭
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Take a look at statistics on the performance of shares bought on the ATL. That will cure you of the idea.
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Börse Online has a short analysis in the current issue. I had some cash left over and the share was already in my portfolio, so I bought more. For me, Thyssen is currently undervalued, but the figures are right.

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