
$V (-1,68 %) How secure do you consider Visa (or Mastercard $MA) (-0,63 %) safe?

Visa and Mastercard are generally regarded as good, stable stocks that have performed well so far - but where do you see risks and how high do you rate them? Are there any reasons for you not to include them in your portfolio?

I see dangers here:

  • Competition: Not only Mastercard but also fintechs and new payment methods such as cryptocurrencies represent growing competition.
  • Regulation: Stricter regulations, for example in the area of data protection or fees
  • Economic downturns: In times of economic crises, consumer behavior decreases, which can have a negative impact on Visa's business.
  • Cyberattacks: A successful cyber attack could shake customer confidence and lead to significant financial losses.
  • Geopolitical risks: Conflict or political instability in key markets could impact the business.
3 Commentaires

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They both have a virtual monopoly. Cryptocurrencies will not provide them with any competition in the near future. Bitcoin would first have to become a legal tender in some countries, and we are miles away from that.
What I see as more of a risk are CBDCs such as the digital euro, which is supposed to be "free of charge" for merchants and consumers.
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Let me put it this way. In technically lagging countries, Visa/Mastercard debit cards are being introduced everywhere. In the technically savvy countries, there are local payment systems that have become established. But internationally, hardly anyone will be able to avoid Visa/Mastercard. It is only locally that they are becoming less and less important in Asian countries, for example.

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