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I also had this with Zero yesterday, related to Baader Bank - also 0.322 shares. Baader Bank was probably only able to receive the dividend in March as a stock subscription and not as monetary remuneration.
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@Der_Geldsammler I'm happy when I get more shares, but it's funny. The new shares were booked in on September 17 at a price of €19.26, the price was fluctuating around €18 at the time. The ex-date for September is 13.09 and the payment date is 30.09. So maybe there will still be a dividend in September and that was really just the retroactive booking of the March stock dividend.
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What should I say to you now? I wasn't thrilled yesterday either. Less because of the amount, more because of the situation - when the custodian bank realizes after almost 6 months that it has not booked costs or shares correctly. In my opinion, the broker is less responsible for this, but it still leaves a bad taste - but at the end of the day, people work in a bank too and mistakes happen. My next course of action here is to take note and, if it happens again, possibly change my custody account, as I generally don't want to do that - but even with regular banks like Comdirekt (such) mistakes can happen.
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Also affected. Traders Place (Baader).
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@Der_Geldsammler But it can't be right that something is booked into my account without prior information and that I have to pay for it! In my case it was only a small amount of €1.95, but it still can't be. And if it were a stock dividend, it should logically have been booked free of charge. Either way, something is wrong.
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I completely agree with you, see comment above > taste; therefore observe and change if necessary.
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@Der_Geldsammler but where to switch to? The problem seems to be Baader Bank. So you need a (neo)broker who doesn't work with them. Which limits the choice considerably. Most banks are too expensive for me as a small investor, so I have to rule them out. Besides, I didn't want to commit myself to a single broker anyway. I am already a member of Trade Republic. So what would be an alternative with comparable conditions to Scalable or Zero?

As far as I know, JustTrade doesn't offer any savings plans in shares, only ETFs, so it's out of the question for me. The same applies to tradegate. With etoro, I'm put off by the low deposit protection of €20,000, which I fully intend to reach in the foreseeable future. So what? 😩
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@Reminder Good question, I don't know how high the fees currently are at Bitpanda for shares, I have a small crypto custody account there. Otherwise it's somewhere between quality with costs or just cheap with deductions. 😅
@Reminder Deposit protection is only relevant for the clearing account. The shares, funds, etc. are special assets and should be protected against bank insolvency.