
Hello everyone! Do any of you have any idea what exactly has happened here? #scalablecapital

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Acheté x0,322 à 19,25 €
6,20 €
19 Commentaires

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This has also been posted at Finanzen.net Zero with the same share.
No idea why.
I'll write to the support team, they have one, unlike TR
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That what my answer from Zero @AlterMann - let's see if they give you the same answer. ...many thanks for your request.

It concerns the booking of stock dividends. Baader Bank us as well:

"for this scrip dividend we had no instruction option at our depository.
As usual with US optional dividends, the default variant is stock, which is why we have subsequently received the mandatory reinvestment for this distribution for all customers.
As a result, we booked the reinvestment to the customers yesterday, analogous to the WM publication and the booking of the depository, against debit of the reinvestment price."

It is not possible to exchange the dividend for cash. However, you can sell the shares received.

Yours sincerely
Your finanzen.net zero service team
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Will probably be the conversion of the dividend into shares, or a right to choose between dividends and more shares.
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I also had this with Zero yesterday, related to Baader Bank - also 0.322 shares. Baader Bank was probably only able to receive the dividend in March as a stock subscription and not as monetary remuneration.
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Dividend in shares?
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Don't you have to give your explicit consent if you want the dividend reinvested in the same share? And does this work for fractional shares?
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