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Bison, Bitvavo, nexo
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@Koenigmidas hi, is it safe to leave the purchased coins on Bitvavo?
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@Joris Actually, you should never leave your coins on an exchange. I only find flex staking attractive there
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@Koenigmidas ok thanks. Which crypto are you staking?
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@Joris eth, the graph, near, cosmos, cardano
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@Koenigmidas thanks. Cosmos with 10% is insane 😅
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@Koenigmidas in the app you can't see how much there is, can you? ok I just saw that there is staking and lending, what's the difference?
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@Joris With staking, cryptocurrencies are not lent out but held in a wallet to support and secure the network. Staking rewards are offered as a reward and incentive. With lending, the loans are tied for a certain period of time. source:google