
Hello everyone,

I am more than satisfied with the performance of my portfolio this year!

I was in the discovery phase for a long time as far as my strategy is concerned and I have certainly lost some returns due to some back and forth. The back and forth was mainly due to a steady increase in knowledge. I have learned a lot this year, particularly in the area of share valuation (DCF, fair value, trading comps) (and of course some gambling). With this additional knowledge, I also had to rethink some positions that I would certainly not have included in my portfolio today.

I am pretty sure that my approach of buying absolute quality companies at good prices will work out in the future.

That's why I want to focus my portfolio even more in the future!

For new additions to the portfolio I have $SNPS (-4,49 %)
$CDNS (-4,29 %)
$ANSS (-1,91 %)
$CPRT (-1,67 %)
$CTAS (-1,01 %) and $RACE (-2,76 %) at the top of my watch list. If something happens here that drives the valuation down significantly, I would like to buy it.

What are your top quality companies?


Jetez un coup d'œil à mon Tableau de bord maintenant !
7 Commentaires

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$CTAS I also waited forever for a slump, but it never came > savings plan ;)
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@Dreamliner hahah unfortunately that's really the case... but I don't quite see the savings plan. If I think it's too expensive, the savings plan doesn't make it any cheaper :)
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@BVLGARI right, but that way you can at least find an entry point even if it seems too expensive or is too expensive. There are stocks that barely correct, so it's better to get in a bit too expensive than not at all :D Unless you live with it. Some stocks are simply priced differently by the market due to their quality Novo Nordisk/Rollins was/is also such a case But to your question: quality companies:$AVGO
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@Dreamliner I'm already involved with many of them ;) $KLAC is also one of these candidates, and I personally find it even more exciting when you look at the figures than $ASML
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@BVLGARI yo I couldn't make up my mind and took both :D
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When I see this, it annoys me to have joined Crowdstrike so late. 😂 I've "only" had a +64% return so far... I've had the share on my radar for a while and only ever put off the valuation... Well, opposition costs or something like that 😄
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@RobertoNiemalsBlanco I happened to have to build a DCF for them at work in December 22 and then increased my position!
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