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Gosh, who could have guessed that they would really settle in Dresden. 🤡
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@Hannes_SK all a question of subsidization 😂
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@MiIliardenmehling As long as I read here on Getquin that many would like to pay even more taxes or are satisfied with the current tax system in Germany or feel that it is fair, there is nothing more that can be done here.
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@Hannes_SK Where did you read here on GQ that anyone wants to pay more taxes? 🤣
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@Epi The comment section is sometimes endless and incomprehensible. You don't read it often, but every now and then from a minority. 😅
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@Hannes_SK I'm sure those are the trolls! 😅
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@Epi I mark you next time on it, then you convince yourself times of such moments 👀
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@Hannes_SK That would be very nice! Thank you.