
The Iran attacks again Israel with missiles again because Israel is smoking out their network of Hezbollahs in Lebanon and Iran wants to save face so as not to look weak. Everyone wants to have the last word down there. Financial markets and cryptos are falling as a result. Precious metals, oil and defense stocks are rising.

The same thing happened back in April when Israel sent a VIP into the sky. Many YouTubers immediately called for a third world war. They were wrong, of course, because the world has rarely ended before. After a few days it was all over and the iran. Most of the missiles and drones were intercepted and neutralized.

The S&P 500 fell by just 4,46% from 11 to 19 April. That was only six trading days and the panic was in vain again. Buying / buying later was the right decision at the time. Opinions? #gold
$BTC (-0,26 %)
$IOIL00 (+0,65 %)
$ABX (+1,74 %)
$LMT (+0,1 %)
$RHM (+0,64 %)

4 Commentaires

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As stupid as it sounds, the fact that rockets are flying there is nothing new. That is why there is less panic in the market. If bombs are now flying somewhere else, I think that will be more noticeable on the market
In any case, it was already a nice opportunity for a small discount when buying more ... one man's sorrow ...
This time it could turn out differently, but it's unlikely to be the end of the world
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