
So now I have also added a text to my contribution due to the many requests ✌🏼

and @traderepublic if you see that then please let me know if you are planning a deposit loan soon. unfortunately I had to sell my $RR. (+4,84 %) to become liquid... ⬇️

7 Commentaires

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The probability that you will burn your fingers really badly is extremely high. We can only advise you to stop gambling immediately.
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A small excerpt from the "Good to know" key points on credit at SC.

If the credit line is overdrawn (e.g. due to a loss in value of the collateral), the loan must be reduced accordingly by paying in or selling securities. This can be associated with price losses (including total loss).

Additional costs may be incurred if the credit limit or credit line is overdrawn due to interest for the tolerated overdraft and/or interest on arrears. The bank may terminate the custody account including credit and demand immediate repayment in full.
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Trade republic is not active here, you can save yourself the marking 🤣
But you have to have confidence in your trades
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Try leaps omegalul
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Please share your depot
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