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Because your broker doesn't offer it 🫣
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@randomdude Trade Republic halt 🤷‍♂️ they need an update
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@ZeroZeroX This is less likely to be due to the broker and more likely to be due to the market maker.

The offer of a savings plan is only worthwhile if there is a corresponding regular transaction volume.
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@Staatsmann If smartbroker+ can do it, Trade Republic should be able to do it too.
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@randomdude But they have different exchanges and market makers in the background. :)

I would be surprised if TR decides what L&S TC has to do.
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@Staatsmann There will be reasons not to offer this share in the savings plan. But I assume that TR is now in a position to exert a lot of pressure.
BTW: I always thought that with savings plans, the brokers buy the shares and then split them up for their customers. Are you sure the market makers offer this service?
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@randomdude We would now have to see how much of the L&S volume comes from TR in order to determine the negotiating position.
I would assume that we are massively overestimating the size of TR.

In reality, brokers don't buy anything, especially neobrokers. I don't know off the top of my head what the situation is with full banks.
Technically speaking, they only have a whitelabel or a connection for transmitting transactions to the respective exchange and its market maker and take PFOF and part of the fees for this.
In other words, they don't buy anything on credit and sell.
Everything is the responsibility of the market makers and the brokers only distribute the shares in savings plans at the end.
That's why I have to have enough volume to make the "effort" worthwhile.

(Thanks to Yodlee and the like, this is no longer rocket science, unless you negotiate something with the target exchange yourself. Even some of the better-known crypto exchanges offer APIs so that you can set up your own system and run the transactions through them. With attractive remuneration models).