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In fact, a fart idea. Food belongs on the table and not in a biogas plant. If you look at the grain agreement between Ukraine and Russia and see what far-reaching consequences this has. From the principle not bad process gases to use from resulting "waste" here there is however also the bio ton / purification plants / urban green care - corn is now really a power and also fodder plant.
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@KleinviehmachtMist Well. A biogas plant can also produce electricity from manure and slurry. That's a good thing. From waste -> electricity 😉.
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@Juliannnnn then yes but in the sense of profit maximization corn is used here. Which then does not take its detour via the cow but goes directly into the tank.
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@KleinviehmachtMist You're right about that. I understand what you're getting at. Nevertheless, I think it's better if more electricity is produced with corn than with coal. We live in a reasonably free market economy and farmers are allowed to decide for themselves what purpose they want to use their land. Just as you probably want a good return on your stock, the farmer wants to make a good return on his land. Due to government laws, for example, land use for biogas plants is much more profitable than land use for feeding fattening pigs, which is why biogas plants exist 🙃.
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@Juliannnnn if they cancel the promotion then no more.
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@KleinviehmachtMist How do you know that ? Have you done the math ? Biogas plants are no longer promoted as strongly as before. They are rather "sanctioned". For example, many existing plants are no longer allowed to produce as much electricity (often -10-20%). In addition, more and more regulations are coming that make it more difficult to run a biogas plant.
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@Juliannnnn Yes, thank God. Biogas is also metane gas, which is more harmful to the climate than CO2 when it escapes.
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@KleinviehmachtMist What does that have to do with the economic efficiency of a biogas plant 😅? But you're right, methane from a biogas plant is harmful. If you feed the corn to a cow, it also emits methane by excreting it. In addition, it is usually forgotten that the plants that come into the biogas plant convert CO2 back into oxygen and store the methane. This makes biogas plants a much better alternative than buying electricity from nuclear power plants in France, for example. 🙃
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@Juliannnnn No, that's not what I mean - biogas is great. But only as long as you use waste products for this - if you change the agriculture to fit the biogas plant, it is unsuitable. It would be stupid if we have to buy our grain from Ukraine in the future.