Discussion sur ATO
9ATOS: New impetus
The $ATO (-14,81 %) share has more than doubled in value.
Important Q4 figures:
Atos reduced net debt from €2.2 billion to €1.24 billion, reducing financial distress. The upcoming sale of the Advanced Computing business (probably in 2025, worth up to EUR 625 million) will provide liquidity and further reduce debt. There are also other planned disposals, such as the Mission Critical Systems business unit. This will further strengthen the balance sheet and market confidence.
The operating margin fell to 2.1% in 2024 (from 4.4% in 2023).
Share split:
Atos will carry out a reverse stock split by the beginning of May in order to regain investor confidence. This plan was approved almost unanimously at the Annual General Meeting in January.
The next impetus could come from the Capital Markets Day, which has been announced for May 14. Atos will present its medium-term strategy at this event.
What do you think of Atos? Do you have shares and if so, how many? #atos
Should send them to me in paper form, then the next WC paper shortage won't affect me. 😉
Play money for Atos share
Hello everyone,
my first post here.
I'm new to this platform and am happy to share my little game! 😄
Before the announcement on March 5, I quickly bought #atos and now I'm taking the wind with me.
The amount is nothing moving but let's see what else will happen with the share.
It will be interesting again in May. 🤠
Have fun with it and good luck to everyone who is also "invested" there!
Atos before reverse split.
Today is likely to go down in stock market history. A stock like Atos suddenly goes through the roof. At times, price gains of over 23% were recorded. Very good news has ensured that interest in the share has increased massively again.
The background to this is a so-called reverse split, which was announced today and is not the norm on the stock markets.
Why the reverse split is unavoidable for Atos
The share has a price of just 0.00042 euros and is therefore far too cheap to attract the interest of serious investors. They are always worried about falling victim to price manipulation in such situations.
The reason is obvious: if you want to, you only have to invest a small amount of capital to move the price. Every price determined on the stock exchanges is based on a completed trade between supply and demand. If only minimal amounts are required to influence the price, the probability of manipulation increases.
How the reverse stock split works and its advantages
A reverse split is therefore the logical consequence. In this measure, several shares are combined into one larger share. Depending on the ratio, the price of the new share, which embodies several previous shares in one structure, will rise significantly. This could invalidate the manipulation argument, as stock market experts confirm.
Market reaction and future prospects
Although the exact date for the reverse split has not yet been determined, it is expected to be implemented quickly. The stock markets are already reacting positively to this announcement.
Wednesday's considerable gain, together with rising trading volumes, indicates growing interest in the stock. Although the situation is still a long way from being fully stabilized, the stock market reaction indicates the direction it could take if the split is actually carried out.
Speculative potential until implementation
The period up to the implementation of the reverse split should also be interesting. It would not be unusual for speculation to begin during this phase. The share price could therefore rise again significantly in just a few days.
However, it should be noted: Without the reverse split, the share will not be able to leave the penny stock area. However, the announcement offers an opportunity for speculative investors that many traders have been waiting for for some time. Even if the exact timing has not yet been determined, the current low price for the Atos share should be a thing of the past in a few weeks.
Mr. Rossi seeks his fortune
Hello everyone,
Some of my acquaintances had quietly made big money with investors in Tesla/Nvidia, others hit the big time with Bitcoin. In hindsight, of course, they were very lucky, but they tried it and were lucky.
I always thought that shares etc. were generally reserved for the "upper class" and without tens of thousands of euros you can forget it.
Since learning these things, I've watched a lot of YouTube videos to at least pick up a few basics.
In this day and age, it's very easy for anyone to participate.
After the tenor of the "financial professionals" was, don't spend weeks/months comparing which broker and what type of investment, just get started and you can always readjust later.
Well, now that I'm over 40 and have had a very unfortunate financial path so far, I've also taken the plunge. The decisive factors were the success stories of my friends and then a look at my pension fund that my insurance broker once talked me into. In other words, I am a Skandia/FWU "victim". Since I live in Austria, I'm at least lucky enough to still have my deposits, but de facto 0 performance.
There's about 5k coming out soon that I could invest, let's see.
I now have a broker $FTK (-0,6 %) then this app for the management/collected overview. Unfortunately, the broker was there first, so I'm currently complaining that Getquin doesn't have an automatic connection and has to be updated manually, but maybe that will come, and I've already set up a savings plan for an ETF (MCSI World), as it doesn't "start" until 15.01.25 I'm curious how it will develop. I actually wanted to put the 5k mentioned above into the ETF, but I haven't found a way to make a one-off payment and then a savings installment. I will probably do this by increasing the savings rate until the 5k is there.
Since the money is not sitting so loosely and everyone is talking about diversification from different investment opportunities, I have bought a few more cryptos. As I said, since there's not much risk involved, but I still want to be involved, I also bought a few more coins. I'm sure they're the wrong ones, but the feeling was great when I bought 2 million coins for EUR 40. The value has now grown to almost 50 EUR and I'm really enjoying it (it may sound ridiculous to many, but as I said, it's fun).
Today I spent another 60 EUR of my play money on a share package. It's a similar issue to coins. I can't afford a Tesla/Nvidia share at the moment and with one share (you can't even download a "copy" of the share to hang on the wall at home) it doesn't make much sense either.
But I have found a share $ATO (-14,81 %) I know the name of the company and because they are going through difficult times at the moment, I bought 30000 shares for the money. I'm convinced that the guys and gals there will get things going again.
With Getquin, I actually thought that you enter your data and the AI then makes suggestions for investments and then sends messages a la, hey watch out because this and that, but we're probably not that far with AI yet or you still have to switch it on somewhere 🤣
If anyone has a tip or two, I'd love to hear it.
So here's to a year with lots of positive experiences and learnings.
Any thoughts on $ATO (-14,81 %) as potentional turnaround stock?
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