This is how August can start
While share prices are going up and down and it's a bit choppy at the moment, I'm feeling great.
My value stocks have risen sharply in recent weeks. Be it $KRZ (+0,64 %) with 16 %, $MMM (-1,97 %) with 25 % or $BMY (+1,47 %) with 16 %.
But for me, share prices are irrelevant at the moment. Prices only interest me if I want to buy or sell the share.
No house or apartment owner checks how much their house is worth every week. Why should they?
At the moment, I feel very encouraged about my strategy again, and that's the most important thing. There are so many opinions, so many seemingly perfect ways or the one new stock. The most important thing is to feel comfortable with it personally.
Do losses of -15 % in 1-2 weeks make you uneasy? Then you need to question your strategy and whether you are investing in a way that suits you personally or whether you are just following others.
In the meantime, there are probably over 250 paydays a year on which I receive liquidity without doing anything for it. Knowing what the compound interest curve will be with reinvested dividends and additional capital over the next 5-20 years makes me look forward to it.
The picture was taken on Saturday at Nature One, when the dividends paid for my ticket😁