Hi there!
I wanted to ask if you have any ideas about which ETF I could also save in. As I am slowly approaching my late 40s, a payout is basically quite interesting for me, and it also gives me enough motivation when some money comes back.
I am currently saving actively:
$TDIV (+1,32 %) and $XDWL (+0,04 %)
But now I ask myself the question, does it make sense to add a third distributing, yet growing ETF? The US portion of XDWL was too large for me and TDIV somehow came in handy, but is something missing? (I've never had good feelings about EM so far)
The plan at the moment is to put 300 euros into the TDIV and 300 euros into the XDWL each month.
On top of that, I'm averaging around 130 euros a month in dividends, which I want to split between the two.
I also have a further 400 euros available, which I will either divide between the two, although I feel I would weight the TDIV higher (?) or prefer to invest in a third ETF, but which one?
As I said, a distribution (something like 1.5-2.5%) and growth are important to me.
What would you recommend?
Thank you!