
IMPORTANT: It's about time we all became friends again!

I've been reading so many arguments here on Getquin over the last few days. It just pisses me off.

You don't even dare to post anything here anymore, because if you post something you're immediately flamed for everything and everyone here.

An exemplary scenario:

"P" stands for the different people here

P1: Hey guys I've just bought $MSTR (-7,42 %) I'm so happy! 😀 In the long term, this will definitely make me a millionaire! Woohoo!


P1: Oh man now I'm embarrassed. I regret my decision so much but what do you base what you're saying on?

P2: left the chat

P3: $MSTR (-7,42 %) and $BTC (-5,89 %) will go down the drain and Trump's administration along with it!

P1: Holy cow, that sounds so scary. But how did you come up with such a thesis?

P3: That's just the way it is. If you don't know it yourself, you obviously have no idea. Maybe it's not for you after all!

That's what some of the comments here in the app look like.

Everyone knows better, everyone is an expert, but can rarely explain why. I also ask myself why the people who always know so much better aren't already multi-millionaires. Never mind.

This app is there to exchange opinions, of course. But when it comes to topics such as shares and cryptos or investments in general, it's a good idea to back up your opinions with examples or facts. After all, it communicates quite transparently what strangers are doing with their money.

I work in a bank and I know how quickly and easily people become insecure and embarrassed, especially when it comes to their money, when you tell them that what they are doing is not right and that they are handling their money incorrectly. No matter how convinced you are of your own methodology, one different opinion is enough to make you feel insecure. Even if you don't like to admit it yourself, many people here probably feel the same way. Sometimes that includes me. No matter how convinced I am of my investments.

ONE different opinion is enough and I start to question things. Even if it really was a good investment at the end of the day.

Conclusion: It is important and right to have your own opinion, just as it is important and right that there are different opinions. Getquin provides us with the perfect circumstances to exchange them.

But please: Don't hate each other in the comments and don't always pretend to be an expert without proving why you are an expert. It's getting really unbearable.

Thank you very much!

60 Comentarios

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Shut up!

Little fun 🫶🏼
I'm totally with you 💪 right and important ❤️
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@V8-Bierturbo That's exactly the reason. Sure you meant it to be funny, but this way you can talk face2face with your buddies at the bar. This Twitter/X talk is just toxic and leads to extremes.
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@Sasee Are you serious right now? It's obvious that it was a joke - I even wrote that it was 😂
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
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Important contribution <3
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Thank you! It gets on my nerves too. I'm actively avoiding it now, but it feels like the atmosphere and the interaction here is getting worse and worse😅
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@stefan_21 I am very often on this app simply because I have mirrored my portfolio here and I really like the view here. Every now and then I make a few posts, but I usually just ignore the negative comments that go in the same direction as my example. It just doesn't make sense to deal with something like that.
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@stefan_21 The worse the portfolio looks, the worse the sentiment. And at the moment, most portfolios are simply in a bad position da🤷🏽‍♀️
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@Alpalaka I don't want to see anyone in a bad mood during the setbacks when there is a real crash. 😁
Then Getquin will open the gates to hell.
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@DADlikesCRYPTO Sure. Leave the MSCI World at -10% at the end of the year. hihi
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@Alpalaka Would like to see it a little lower again but that will end in chaos here. 😁
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People are just nervous and that affects the mood.
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@He-Man Yes, I think so too. I realize myself how relatively stressed I am. I'm normally very relaxed, even when things go down a bit. Fortunately, I'm "only" €1200 down, but even I notice how I'm a bit more tense about it. I think half of the people who are like this are like this because of the market complaint, the other half because they have an ego problem.
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Yes and no.
getquin should not become a safespace for stupid investment decisions aka reddit 2.0.
(Anyone who was already active here in 2022 will have seen how we successfully drove reddit users away)

After all, this is about money, which most people here have to work hard for (which some don't admit)

And especially when I see the example of $NU, where people pour money into a bank share because users post great articles about it, which also make sense somewhere, although hardly anyone here can really evaluate a bank. And that's just a fact.

Or to use a personal example to illustrate how easily users can be influenced here:

I was the first person to write about DroneShield here, but of course I wasn't noticed at the time because the share was at 0.20.

When it suddenly went up 100% and at some point even cracked the €1 mark, it felt like everyone here was on board, while I was already warning that a billion valuation made no sense.

Of course, we don't know how many users burned money here, but some users closed their profiles afterwards or reappeared here under different names, after talking grandly about Dro going to €5 soon.

Maybe you should be less of a snowflake here and just let stupid comments be stupid and ignore them.

Because everyone here has different goals and possibilities,

Last example, from yesterday:
User A who has half a mil in Nvidia shares (but is self-employed with a good cash flow) tells User B who has €1000 in Nvidia and for whom that's a lot of money that the figures are just background noise and that it doesn't matter whether the share plummets or not.

This is just as much negative influence as in your example above.

And it would be nice if this excessive wanking on good buying times would stop, or if they were posted days after the purchase.

I should be finished now
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@Dividenden_Monteur Thank you for your comment - that's great added value. You are absolutely right.
It was the same for me at Hims & Hers back then. The thing had made 20% and I simply bought some. I think that was 100 shares at a price of €12 per share. Really EVERYONE in the comments wrote things like "you don't jump on moving trains" or "much too late". well, where was the share a week ago?
As you said, you have to block out these stupid comments but not let them go too far. As you have already mentioned. You can see how quickly a bubble can develop here, as happened with $NU. For example, I didn't let myself get carried away because I knew that it just didn't make sense to get involved.

However, I also fell victim to Droneshield back then. But I was still fresh and naive on the stock market. But you learn from that too!
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@der_Don You can get a mouthful, which everyone does at some point, but you should reflect on it and then it's good again.

Nobody here is perfect and you should just laugh at malicious comments, it usually helps to scroll through the user's profile to find stupid questions on their part.

I also bought 100 shares of Aixtron today after they fell -20%.
maybe I'm right or maybe I'll have screwed up tomorrow and get a few comments saying they knew it was coming

Life goes on anyway.
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@Dividenden_Monteur Exactly. I have just bought more $MSTR shares. But I didn't feel like sharing it because otherwise people would start talking about it again.
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@Dividenden_Monteur In the past, you could always see the purchases or have them displayed.
Now people only post their good sales, which of course boosts their egos, and the fact that money has already been burned on the other side is simply forgotten.
Like an addict in the arcade, for example.

Good luck with Aixtron, I also had it on my radar. 👍
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Also speaks for character that person XYZ buys e.g. Nu and there are seriously people who then write snarky comments - as if they just get an erection on someone else's loss of money 😅

I'm totally with you! Learn together, stand together and indulge together!

Unfortunately, these are not attributes that are highly valued in Germany...
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@Tobiwankenobi500 Are you referring to me with the "wooden path"?
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@Alpalaka No, I think "Holzweg" is meant cynically or is supposed to be a joke.
I reject this insinuation, insinuations are a journalistic trick. You should have asked me a different question.
Sorry to disappoint you, we are probably in the wrong country.

I'm with you all the way.
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I recently deleted a post here on GQ because two commenters verbally attacked each other. Niveaulos ... Too bad
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@Novius As the creator of a post, you also have the option of simply editing the relevant comments at löschen🙆‍♂️
Just as a possibility for the future
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@Novius Was that the post about the elections? Or was it someone else's post?
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@Alumdria Yes, right
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@Novius Well, maybe I shouldn't have written anything, I'm sorry about how the conversation developed because of me. I actually just wanted to describe my subjective perception of it objectively, without insults and nothing.
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The nerves are probably frayed among all the experts who only recently laughed at anyone who didn't have at least 99% crypto. The stock market knows almost only greed or panic and gaaaannnnnzz little rationality somewhere in the middle. This is also reflected in our interactions. ^^
@_xempex_ You took the words right out of my mouth. There is no one true truth in this matter. In rougher times, it becomes clear whether you are really dealing with reflective, experienced people who are happy to share their experiences or with thin-skinned lucky bastards who come back down to earth from a run:
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Just like the Tagesschau 😂
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@tims92 Was it you who wrote that under a post about Bitcoin? 😂😂😂 I thought it was so cool😂
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@der_Don ja😂
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You are right. A community is there to complement and support each other.

But there's also something good about it: those who are more interested in self-promotion simply expose themselves.

I give them a smile. Often accompanied by a sardonic smile.

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That's right, that's why I rarely post here, I have no idea, I'm happy to admit, and my portfolio is growing anyway 😀
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Don't listen to the opinions of strangers. There are so many people here who pretend to know what a depot should look like with their postings and comments. They use very harsh language and sometimes insult those who think differently. In the end, it's a very personal decision. My wife and I, for example, save in a handful of ETFs every month and hold individual shares in more than 100 different companies. We buy new shares from time to time when we think it's worthwhile. We feel very comfortable with this (we make slightly less price growth in top phases and can sleep very soundly in bad market phases). People with similar portfolio ideas are regularly insulted or lectured for such a setup. I am pleased when I meet people here who invest quite differently from me. Sometimes this gives me new impulses and ideas, sometimes I know for myself why I will continue to do things differently. Stay open to new things!
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I'm 100% with you there 👍🏻
I don't think much of opinions that are absolutely crazy. What's been going on lately?
We can economically mine the newly found gold 2.0 on planet XYZ.
We can mine gold economically at a depth of 12 km.
Eggs are expensive because of Trump.
Dividends have no influence on the price loss of a share.
Satoshi is not rich at all with the 1 million coins he has accumulated.

Why not leave it at that and form a pie circle? Because it's about money. Just because crazy people believe in magic doesn't mean you should play along with the madness. And no, unfortunately it doesn't really make sense to explain why you don't just mine XYZ on Venus and fly to Earth. Sorry if this pisses you off, but should we really calculate how many flight windows there are to Venus and why this is not economically or even realistic?
I mean, it's too much of a waste of time for me. I'd rather count change;)
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@Madhatter5566 okay of course these are extreme examples you give 😂 "Eggs are expensive because of Trump" is crazy.
But I mean like in my example. Suppose I post how I buy NVDIA and someone just says: Yes, it doesn't make sense much too early.
Personally, I would just like to know why. I mean with such simple things and not with these insane things you mentioned that still amaze me.
You've never read that here, have you? Please tell me that was made up😭😂
@der_Don Your example of course makes sense to complain about. When it comes directly to individual stocks, you can analyze them and say why you think they are more likely to go down or up. But I wouldn't pay much attention to individual opinions anyway. As long as you don't have an insider in front of you, it's all a glass ball.

Unfortunately, no.
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Ignore the noise 🙏
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I think people forget how to behave when it comes to money.
That has also been the reason why I don't dare to post anything here.
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Look at Crypto X right now. Everyone is scared, a lot of people are "losing" money, everyone thinks the bull run is over... this makes people act like the world is ending, and they can just treat others like crap.

Thankfully, you are here to shout through the noise. Don't worry about those idiots and just keep doing what you're doing. 👌
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At the end of the day, we're all just making more socially acceptable horse bets here, aren't we?
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Great words, I'm right there with you ✊🏻
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You're absolutely right 🥰
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I also find the development here on Getquin very worrying. Of course, I'm perhaps no better, as I don't make as good a contribution to the community as XY, who regularly writes very constructive posts. But I also work a lot and am currently working a lot of overtime, so I'm just too tired. However, I don't understand this toxic atmosphere either. Everyone has the feeling that they are a star investor and know better. We all have the same goal and we should motivate each other instead of putting each other down. I definitely hope that things will get better again. I will definitely stay on Getquin, simply because I think the combination of tracking app and social media is great for investors. Of course there is Portfolio Performance as an alternative. But it's all too much effort for me to enter it manually. I'd rather pay for Premium and everything is transferred automatically😀
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Unfortunately, all social media turns in this direction at some point. Those who only see black or white shout the loudest, the shades of gray disappear.
Just like in real life. It is expected that you are black or white - a gray is shouted down by the blacks or whites.
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That is just the way it is....Crazy..
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Get well soon. Take care of your hearing. Cure yourself well.
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Reflects our society. So accept or delete your acc
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So wonderfully worded and dead on my friend. Keep on keeping on and good for you for bringing attention to something that definitely was/is getting way out of hand. There is a way to offer constructive criticism without attacking others, and we could all use a little more empathy and grace in our lives!
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