
A new chapter begins

Dear Getquin Community,

for more than 2 years now you know me as RealMichaelScott here on Getquin. Since I've been active here, both Getquin and myself have developed rapidly.

My journey on Getquin started in April 2022, initially using the platform mainly to track my own portfolio. Gradually, I started to write smaller posts and commentaries until I finally plucked up the courage to write more extensive analyses and posts. These not only helped me to improve my own investment style, but also to make more informed decisions about my portfolio. Your support and feedback have always inspired and motivated me.

I have exciting news to share with you today. It's time to start a new chapter. I no longer want to write under the pseudonym RealMichaelScott but under my real name.


There is no one reason for this decision. In April 2022 I was looking for a pseudonym to register here. The fact that RealMichaelScott came out was probably more of a coincidence than a well thought-out decision. On the one hand, I've always enjoyed the references to Michael Scott from the series The Office here - on the other hand, I would rather not identify myself with a character from a series in the future. I would rather post under my real name and not hide behind a (more or less well thought-out) pseudonym - especially when it comes to writing serious posts.

Who am I?

Long story short: my real name is Nico Uhlig. I received my first shares back in 2006 as part of an employee share program when Wacker Chemie AG went public. $WCH (+2,71 %) IPO. A few years later, after leaving the company, I sold them at a profit and I was done with shares for the time being. I then went on to study mathematics, which I successfully completed in 2016. During this time, I didn't own any shares and hardly ever thought about investing. It wasn't until I started my career after graduating that I began to look more closely at investing. In 2017, I bought my first truly "own" shares - it was Coca Cola $KO (-1,31 %) and Apple $AAPL (+0,05 %) . Since then, I have become more and more involved in investing and company analysis. Over the years, I've been able to learn a lot and find and refine my own investment style. I mainly invest in individual stocks and in particular in quality companies that can ideally also claim high dividend growth.

What is changing now?

First of all, not much except that you can now see my real name here on Getquin. I will keep the handle @RealMichaelScott handle for the time being.

Stay tuned,

Yours Nico Uhlig

27 Comentarios

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Knowledge builds bridges - education connects people.
And then you meet again on an investment platform.
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@Hannes_SK well said 👍❤️
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@IBilly That is the motto of TU Dresden. I think he knows what I mean by that.
Back to the roots.
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Very cool campaign!

The fact that I'll be letting my pants down financially inhibits me. I share the absolute values in my portfolio and my assets - so the anonymity is not entirely wrong for me 😂
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That's unexpected, but nice 😄
Nice to get to know the real person behind RealMichaelScott. Thanks for that
Have a nice weekend
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@FrauManu thank you and of course have a nice weekend 🙂
You make great content!
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Tach Nico 😇🤗
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I was just shocked why the profile picture looks different, but I'm glad to see the person behind the account now.
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@topicswithhead the real RealMichaelScott now, so to speak 😅
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I'll have to get used to it now. 🧐 Always had the image of an older gentleman in my mind - don't ask me why. 👴🏼😅

In any case, thank you for your past posts and I'm looking forward to your future ones. ✌🏼
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@Ash Age is relative - for some people I might already be an older gentleman 😅
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Respect and chapeau...there are many names here, but little reality in the imagination. With your previous pseudonym, I would have thought of a seasoned older vintage and instead a young seasoned dynamic invester jumps out of the cocoon 👍

I haven't been around that long myself, but I've used my real name from the start, even if only as an abbreviation, and I thought the idea was just SAUgut 😅 Admittedly, I still have to work on the profile picture a bit, but the sow has to mature into a boar first...

On that note, keep up the good work and I look forward to many more high-quality contributions from you, Nico 😉✌️
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@SAUgut77 thank you for the warm words 🙂
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@RealMichaelScott Honor to whom honor is due 🫡
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I find it strong 💪☺️
I wouldn't have the balls for it 😂
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What a positive surprise! 🫶
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Where is Dwight Schrute?
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@Sharehoff We still have to find it 😅
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Hi Nico, nice to meet the real person behind the account :)
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Have you changed your mind and gone back to your old pseudonym?
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@six no I've kept the @realmichaelscott since then anyway.
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@RealMichaelScott I mean the name without @. I think your real name was still there this morning (that's when I read the post).
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@six funny, I also just saw that RealMichaelScott appeared as a name again. But I hadn't put anything back.
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I'm also using a pseudonym right now, I am a bit nervous to use my real name because I'm not comfortable revealing my wealth under my real name
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I wouldn't have done it. But everyone as they like
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