
Hello people

I need your opinion tonight. I currently still have holdings with Deka. These are:

$n/a (DekaFonds TF [oriented to the DAX]) and $n/a (-1,83 %) (DEKA-MegaTrends CF (basically a MSCI World).

(It says n/a with the two funds, but they are still found).

The DekaFonds is currently up 2.34%. This will be sold soon if possible. Who wants to be in the DAX? Linde certainly doesn't.

The MegaTrends worries me more. This is currently being saved and is also doing reasonably well. Just MSCI World.

Except for a few minor shifts, it has the same (at least the first 10) companies as the $H4ZJ (-1,05 %)

However, this is currently 53.51% in plus. The deposits will be stopped soon. Just didn't have that on the screen.

But what do I do with the amount? Just leave it or sell it and then buy MSCI World?

Leaving it would mean the costs shown in the attached picture (point 4 is 25% of the performance above 100% MSCI World Net Return in EUR (also taking into account the previous 5 years)).

From what I have found out so far, despite the costs, the fund has performed the same as the MSCI World with lower costs. So the final sum is approximately the same, despite higher costs. Therefore, I am unsure whether I should not just save the taxes and just leave the thing.

What is your opinion on this (apart from the usual "Sparkasse is stupid anyway").

Deka has a good value calculator that also includes the costs. Unfortunately, I could not find such a thing for the MSCI World anywhere.

EDIT: Just added two more pictures. Even if the MegaTrends is currently equal to the MSCI World, it seems to have in the past (despite higher costs) much better performance in the past...

EDIT2: Just found something new. For the sake of completeness, I'm attaching the image as well. The other MSCI picture with the 8300€ is probably a forecast for the next 12 years, while the now attached picture shows the history.

This shows that the two are pretty much the same. I calculate in Excel...

Thank you very much.

7 Comentarios

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I would try to gradually shift it into an ACWI/FTSE AW or MSCI World ETF, but I don't know exactly how I would do that. However, I would probably build a table in Excel and then, taking into account the additional costs in the fund and the capital gains tax, calculate the whole thing according to the most favorable method.
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@Johannes_J Thanks, yes that sounds like a plan. I'll take a look at it. I won't use up the entire exemption order next year either (it will be increased to €1000. I think I'll just sell piece by piece. But I'll have a look at it on Excel first 👍🏻

@Johannes_J I've just found a calculator and added the information to the text accordingly. Even if the MegaTrends currently largely corresponds to the MSCI World, it seems to have performed much better in the past. Maybe I should let it run after all :D

Edit2: Oh man. That was the future forecast... It's done. Probably better to look at the history after all.
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@Johannes_J Due to the ongoing costs of your Deka product, I would switch to the MSCI World with total costs (TER) of ~ 0.2% or Amundi Prime Global with TER of 0.05%. I would try to avoid products with other fees.
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@DocInvest I would do the same, but I don't know how much profit would be taxable on the sale, so I would do a quick calculation to see how I could do it most cheaply
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Funds are as always more interesting for the issuer. go dear in an ETF of your choice, cost point would then be 0.2-0.6% TER. and not 1.45%.^^
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@BigDip Yes, I am aware of the TER. I'm just surprised that, according to my information, MegaTrends effectively has almost the same return value as the MSCI World, despite the higher costs.

It's also questionable whether it doesn't make more sense to stop the savings plan and leave the money in order to avoid paying tax on the profit 🤔

I'm just confused by the fact that the return is the same despite the costs. Because then it wouldn't be necessary to sell, or am I missing something? My head is full right now 😅
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@DividendenWaschbaer As I said, funds are interesting for the issuer, it is rare that funds outperform. You can ask Thelen or Müller.

You can also leave the money lying around. You can reduce it with your saver's allowance, which should be 1k next year. In any case, invest the money somewhere else.
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