After some time, I decided to clean up my portfolio a bit by removing the smaller stocks positions and enlarging the ones I believe in the most, going down from 18 to 12.
I also reduced the number of my ETFs from 8 to 6 and I decided to put a monthly deposit of 200 euros in accumulation ETFs (75% $IWDA (-0,26Â %) , 25% $EIMI (-0,16Â %) ) and a monthly deposit of 300 euros in distribution ETFs (40% $VWRL (-0,2Â %) , 30% $VHYL (+1,52Â %) , 20% $VFEM (-0,61Â %) , 10% $VUSA (-0,3Â %)).
In addition to these recurring deposits, I think that for some months I will only buy these 6 ETFs with my excess money in order to grow their position and to give more diversification and stability to my portfolio.
Tell me what do you think about it, soprattutto se siete italiani!