

have now thrown off some ballast. To be continued.

Would you expand already existing positions in the portfolio and thus remain with 3-4 titles or go new ways?

I find the following ETFs not uninteresting:


$IWDA (-1,03 %)


$XDWC (-1,75 %)

$SC0J (-1,05 %)

$ISAC (-1,03 %)

$VWRL (-0,91 %)

Please comment on the selected ones.

What pros and cons can you give?

Thank you very much for that!

Can you recommend certain ETFs in addition or independently of the ones mentioned?

What have you done well with so far and why?

Please give a short explanation.

My goal is buy and hold. Investment period >10years, more likely 15.

Risk tolerance=high

Investment amount ca. 15tsd €

P.S. I have actually already decided to increase my existing positions.

P.P.S. Thanks to all for the patience and support in linking!

27 Comentarios

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Small tip: If you make a blank line between the ISINs the link appears 🙏🏼 then it is easier to answer your question 😊
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@mariechristines Thanks for the tip. It should work now.
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Another $ in front instead of a # 🙌🏼
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@mariechristines Done. Thank you
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$ISAC $IWDA $XDWC It is even easier with the ticker name. Only when it turns blue does the link work 🙌🏼
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Feel free to make a new post with the category "Investment decision". You can add securities to a survey for the community 😊
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Hi, Please link the ETF's correctly first.
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@VP so it fits, right?
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@Rookie1979 ne do it with a $ + abbreviation
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@VP But now...
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@Rookie1979 unfortunately not. 😁😂 1. set $ character 2. enter short character 3. wait a moment until the ETF is displayed 4. click on it e.g. $ISACThe ISIN has no place there :-)
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@VP You can also use the dollar sign + ISIN. :) Then you end up directly at the correct ticker if, for example, there is a duplicate due to a delisting.$NVDA is correct, for example, while $NVDA is also the correct ticker, but leads to the old listing and the old ISIN. 😉
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Please put a dollar sign ($) in front of the ISINs and then you can link the ISINs directly to the ETFs. :) Then everyone will see what you mean.
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@Staatsmann That's not what a dollar sign looks like to me ;)
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@RoronoaZoro this is quokka currency
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@RoronoaZoro Are Quokka dollars 😂
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With 15 years investment period and high risk tolerance, I would clearly recommend you to invest in bitcoin 😉
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I had my fun with it. I made a large part of my current capital through it. But is too tricky for me now. Would be more gambling than investing...
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@gunzaj Now you have nothing to counter that? 🤪 Just kidding!
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Very cool, glad to hear it. 🙌 Then I don't have to tell you anything about it anyway. In the short term it is certainly tricky, but over 15 years I think still pretty safe. But adding to ETFs isn't wrong either, of course 😉
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@gunzaj that is exactly the goal... What drives you?
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@Rookie1979 financial independence, not having to work into old age, and being in control of my own finances.
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@gunzaj Top! keep up the good work! think alike. good returns all the time 😄👍
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Now everything is linked. An ETF is not found....
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@Rookie1979 How did you come up with the ISIN IE00U7L59A3? I've just looked for it too, but unfortunately I couldn't find it
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@mariechristines I rummaged around at justetf and made a note of this ISIN...
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@Rookie1979 Maybe a typo? :) I can't find the ETF there either
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