Hello, I turned 18 in June and would now like to make use of the opportunity to invest myself. I have already invested for others several times in the past, when I was not yet able to do so with my own money. In this respect, I have at least already been able to make some minor experiences.
The difference now, however, is that I am currently in the twelfth grade, will graduate from high school next year, and therefore do not yet know exactly how much money I may need for moving, furnishing my apartment, and other expenses. In this respect, my investment horizon is different from that of my mother, for example, for whom I invested some money at the time.
Specifically, I currently have 4700 € in savings, monthly 60 € pocket money.
I have now considered to invest some money already once in $XEOD (+0,01 %) as a cash reserve, but with a better return than many of the call money accounts. The ESTR will remain so for a while with the current inflation and the respective key interest rate.
Since the 4700€ is really not that much, I think that single stocks might not be optimal. As I said, I would like to invest for the long term, but future expenses might require me to liquidate some of the positions.
Since my personal interests are in the tech sector and I would claim to be fairly well informed there for that reason alone, I would also want to invest in the tech sector. Due to the problem of individual stocks with my investment horizon and budget, I am considering using Trade Republic's index certificates.
More specifically, I am thinking of
- Cyber Security DE000SQ4SUT1
- Mobility DE000SQ4SUV7
- Semiconductors DE000SQ4SUW5
- possibly also Big Tech DE000SN8XWV7
In the case of Mobility, however, I am somewhat disturbed by the low weighting of the German automakers compared to a full 10% in the case of $TSLA (-5,38 %) and in the case of $TXN (-3,11 %) the overweighting in my portfolio, as it is included in Mobility, Semiconductors and Big Tech to considerable proportions.
Beyond that, I wonder if that would make me too USA-focused.
I have also never traded this instrument in the past and would like to know from you what there is to consider and especially what speaks against the above mentioned index certificates.
I am aware of the problem that they are not considered special assets and that in case of bankruptcy of the issuer, Société Générale, the investment would not be protected. However, I think that I can neglect this risk, at least currently. As I understand it, this is the biggest disadvantage compared to a corresponding ETF and the elimination of management costs again the advantage.
If you are more in favor of ETFs at this point, which ETFs would you recommend in the sectors mentioned?
Should I invest in individual stocks after all, I would in particular:
- $GOOGL (+0,01 %) , $AAPL (-0,26 %) and $MSFT (-0,47 %) As a big tech foundation with strong products in cloud computing, AI applications, hardware products, VR/AR, gaming, IoT, ...
- $ALV (+0,76 %) , and $KO (+0,66 %) as a dividend payer
- $MC (-3,29 %) To diversify in the fashion and luxury product segment with stable growth
- $ZAL (-4,74 %) as a German company in online retail, where I can say from my own experience that it enjoys great popularity, especially among my generation, whose purchasing power will increase in the future.
- $TSM (-3,45 %) to bring in a chip manufacturer and supplier of other hardware manufacturers besides Apple, in order to also indirectly profit from their growth
- Possibly $BIDU (+1,53 %) as a likewise strongly growing Asian counterpart to $GOOGL (+0,01 %) and $MSFT (-0,47 %) in the areas already mentioned above
- $1211 (+0,75 %) As an automotive supplier and emerging carmaker itself, especially to also benefit from increasing e-car sales.
to be envisaged.
Otherwise, I would also invest about €30 per month in an MSCI World ETF via a savings plan.
What are your thoughts on how I should proceed? I appreciate your feedback and criticism, especially on the questions regarding index certificates.
Thank you very much in advance!