$TRMD A (+1,27 %) . Admittedly, I am currently somewhat fascinated by this share and the underlying dividend. So far I am invested with a tiny position. However, I have come up with the following risky idea.
Starting next month, I have a free land register on which I could safely borrow e.g. 100tsd at e.g. 3.8% interest and e.g. 1.7% repayment = annuity 5.5%. Assuming a term of 5 years.
If you invest 100tsd in Torm and pay out approx. 5.57 euros p.a. per share at a purchase price of max. 20 euros per share, you have a delta between dividend and annuity of approx. 20%.
Of course, taxes are still deducted from the dividends, but even if the delta shrinks to 'only' 15%, that would be pretty hefty for not investing your own money.
Yes, I know: company can go bankrupt. Dividends can fall. Share price can be significantly lower in 5 years. On the other hand, I can also pay the interest and repay the principal from the rental income from the property I have borrowed against if necessary. So even in the event of a total loss, it wouldn't ruin me, but of course it would hurt.
Do you think it would be crazy to do something like that?