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Cries in $QQQ3
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Since VUSA is in red, everything is in red. What you should do you should have a portfolio composed of VUSA (90%) and IBTS (10%) short term bonds, when everyone else is crying red you will be better off.
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@thor88 have you done that? bought all the holding VUSA has?
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@PascalWasbeer Yes, that is my portfolio composition from the start VUSA&IBTS (90/10%) and I buy in each month without exception. I also have some cash reserves within XEON, but that is a cash reserve while the rates are up so i do not keep them without earning interest. Today my portfolio ranks 83/100 higher then 95% of getquin users. But remember...buy Stocks from these instruments not CFDs, invest cash in to it not borrowed money. Always take care in balancing your portfolio and keep the 90/10 ratio between VUSA/IBTS.
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I also noticed that you mention individually bought V, MA, etc, those instruments are already in the VUSA composition and you do not want to invest two times in it since you already have VUSA.
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@thor88 No I do not own V or MA shares. I use shares for trading and div. Sell it often.
But you own Bonds ETF? Does this ETF has any yield?
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@PascalWasbeer Yes I do, my distribution is: 90% VUSA ETF, and 10% IBTS ETF 1 to 3 years short term treasuries. I do not buy and sell I only buy once a month respecting the mentioned distribution, IBTS I buy only once in two months to rebalance the portfolio. Otherwise I own XEON ETF to store my safety cash reserve. The yield for IBTS is +3.37% for 1Y but the logic is for it to hold your portfolio (the 90% VUSA) while the market goes down, you are much more in control. I would advise not to buy and sell, which is considered trading, I would just buy in and leave it grow.
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@PascalWasbeer And one more thing, everybody talks about VUSA which distributes dividends, try SXR8 its accumulating dividends being reinvested, much better, you do not pay taxes right away on them.
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@thor88 Yes Vusa I have on purpose. Receiving dividends is good for my mental peace of mind.
And about your IBTS. With a savings account from Sweden I have the same amount of interest and less risk.
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@PascalWasbeer You can also choose a SAcc for the 10% or buying bonds offered by your country. Bonds in general have low risk regardless. Usually a SAcc is used for a short term cash reserve, i chose XEON ETF for that since it pays close to 4%/year.
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