
$$n/a (-0,53 %)

Hi guys what do you think about Arero World Fund?

TER too high or a good decision as a retirement plan that you just save monthly with 2000€ and leave it for 30 years?

12 Comentarios

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Introduce the fund first, before you expect an opinion from the community. I'm afraid few know the fund and no one will google and look at the fund just to give you an answer.
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@giraffidae sorry thought it answer first only people who know the fund but of course everyone should know his opinion about it and give hints. here is actually everything summarized https://www.finanztip.de/boerse/arero-weltfonds/ Otherwise, the fund also has a website where there is info
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I think Arero is a very well done financial product. You can use it if you want a 1 ETF solution and it fits your risk tolerance. Roughly speaking, typical drawdowns are only half as big as with a world ETF (15% vs. 30%), but so is the asset growth (4% vs. 8%). With an investment horizon of 30 years, there's basically nothing to be said against an equity quota of 100% if you can live with longer loss phases. If not, the Arero is okay. I find the TER fair for such a product.
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@randomdude very compact and successful pro and con presentation. Thank you 🙏
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What advantages do you expect from an actively managed fund compared to a world ETF?
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@cito93 I think it is more crisis-proof. Because it contains not only stocks but also commodities and bonds. also, to my knowledge, the msci world, for example, contains few or no stocks from emerging markets. The arero fund, however, does.
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@cito93 This is a completely different product. The Arero represents a kind of portfolio solution and is very inexpensive for that (0.5% TER). It is significantly less volatile than a pure equity ETF - and therefore naturally has less appreciation.
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@MarioTMG If you want emerging markets, you are with a pure World at the wrong address anyway, with emerging markets we are talking about an all-world or just emerging markets, then it's an emerging markets ETF ;)
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@randomdude thank you for the clarification. This additional info was missing in the original post and are important notes to understand the product 😊
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Simply $VWRL and ready ✅
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Why don't you get a MSCI World ACWI $XMAW? Has only 0.25% instead of a TER of 0.5% and has a much stronger return: https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/qENoTTV5QIUn
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Can not do anything, does not have a cool logo 😬
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