It's a sad thought that you save and invest your whole life just to pay for a few years of care later ... makes you think and frustrates you at the same time somehow
@Max095 I just had exactly the same thought!
@Max095 I think that will often be the case. In this case, the person who has taken precautions will be punished. Better you have nothing and the taxpayer pays
@Tenbagger2024 I have the same thought. Performance is becoming less and less worthwhile
@Max095 I see it the same way. Those who work in Germany, think for themselves and take good care of themselves will only lose out and end up with less than those who haven't lifted a finger. Very sad.
I think Germany should take more inspiration from Norway.
I think Germany should take more inspiration from Norway.
@pharao50 but in the end I don't think things will get any better with the CDU. At least as far as the middle class is concerned. Even if economic policy should improve, but it's probably not an art, because it can't get much worse.
@Tenbagger2024 I see it that way too. At the moment, I really don't see politics "improving" in the next few years. I myself wouldn't know who to vote for in the next few moons. It's all nothing to me.
@pharao50 I don't want to get too political here. Otherwise it would turn into a novel. But it is an important topic. Of course, economic policy is a big issue for us as investors. But when it comes to economic policy, as investors we can choose the country and the companies. But good economic policy in your own country also means prosperity. But here I increasingly have the impression that this prosperity is no longer reaching the majority of people and is fizzling out somewhere up there. That's why I find the topic of social policy not entirely unimportant.
@Tenbagger2024 I can only agree with you.
@Max095 As a family, we are going through all of this from start to finish. The person two rooms away, who has never taken precautions or looked after their health, receives the same benefits as my relative right from the start.
Does the fact that my relative has to have used up their assets up to the protected assets before social welfare takes over mean that they have gold-edged diapers?
No, of course not.
Does the fact that my relative has to have used up their assets up to the protected assets before social welfare takes over mean that they have gold-edged diapers?
No, of course not.
@Ash Yes well, certainly a long topic. Perhaps a distinction should also be made here. How many people receive social welfare in old age and have their care paid for as a result. Even though you have worked hard all your life. But because of their education/training, they never had the opportunity to make provisions. Because it was just enough to live on. This shows us that we have reached our limits. Even in a social market economy like Germany. I don't even want to talk about the USA, otherwise I'd be in tears. People digging through the garbage and struggling to survive every day. Many of them can no longer afford an apartment from their work and live in their cars or caravans.