

During 2024, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and relevant regional departments authorized 25 national power grid development projects, with a total value of more than 2.3 billion euros. Interventions confirm Terna's crucial role in Italy's energy transition.

The authorized works will bring significant environmental, social and economic benefits: more than 560 km of new submarine or underground lines will ensure a significant reduction in landscape and environmental impacts. Moreover, thanks to these interventions, about 100 supports will be eliminated and more than 70 hectares of land will be freed, with positive effects for local communities.

Among the most notable projects approved by Mase this year are several large submarine links. Elmed, the energy bridge between Italy and Tunisia, built by Terna in collaboration with STEG, the Tunisian operator. The 600 MW power line, about 220 km long, will be largely underwater and will reach a depth of 800 meters in the Sicilian Channel.

$TRN (+1,63 %)

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Interesting company. Will definitely look into it a bit more on my way to diversify my portfolio away from too much US. Might be a good second pillar alongside $EOAN
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