
Depot review April 2024 - Red at last?

After 5 months of partly clearly positive performance, the first month of losses since October 2023 now follows.

Overall, April was -2,2%. In total, this corresponds to price losses of ~6.500€.

Monthly view:


On the winning side there was actually only one really positive share and that was Alphabet $GOOG (+1,82 %) which will now also join the ranks of the Big Tech dividend payers.

On the losers' side it is a colorful mixture of Sartorius, Meta, Microsoft and Bitcoin.

The performance-neutral movements in April were €3,500. I bought in April for ~€1,500.

Annual view:


In the current year, my performance is +10,9% and thus well above my benchmark, the MSCI World with 8.9%, despite the weak April.

In total, my portfolio currently stands at ~288.000€. This corresponds to an absolute growth of ~€33,000 in the current year 2023. ~28.000€ of this comes from price gains, ~1.000€ from dividends / interest and ~5.500€ from additional investments.


  • The dividends in April were +26% above the previous year at ~€160
  • In the current year, dividends after 4 months are also +30% over the first three months of 2023 at ~790€.
  • In April, there was also a dividend for the first time from Salesforce $CRM (-1,08 %)

Buys & sells:

Target 2024:

My goal for this year is still to break the €300,000 barrier in my portfolio. Despite the weak April and the rather weak start to May, I am optimistic that I will reach my target by buying more in the second half of the year.


254.121,27 €
40,03 %
12 Comentarios

all the best - given US and information technology focussed, I think it may be fair to compare your performance with S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 instead of MSCI world
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@jaykaymunich I understand your reasoning, altough I would object here because of the following reasons:

I'm currently at a US share of ~72%, while the MSCI World is currently at ~68% an of course S&P500 and NASDAQ 100 are more or less 100% US. So my share is much closer to the MSCI World overall.

Regarding the NASDAQ comparison. Yes, that would defintely fit my high technology focus, altough I also own a lot of pharma and consumer staples, so I guess I will never beat the NASDAQ.

Probably the best benchmark would be a 50/50 split into MSCI World & NASDAQ, but to make it easy I just use the MSCI World.
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Respect @Mister_ultra 💪🏼 Clear structure, clear analysis, clear strategy - whether it works or not (immediately). I'm far from your YTD with similar portfolio value (~4%). Ok, am at 50% ETF and have TRUST in Apple for 10 years with 30% as a single position.
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@VillaSpilla Thank you very much!

Sure, with 30% Apple that's understandable - unfortunately they haven't done so well so far, but with the 110 billion share buyback program there should be a bit more fantasy in there again. And after 10 years you'll certainly be extremely well in the black :D
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Btc where are you currently buying?
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@Testo-Investor I am currently buying Bison via a savings plan. It's certainly not the ultimate in terms of fees, but it just works.
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@Mister_ultra no but not at all 😂 i'm doing binance now ... super fees etc
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@Testo-Investor understandable 😂 for my €50 savings plan (or a total of €100 with Ethereum), however, the effort of another platform is not worth it to me 😂
What kind of app is it that you have the screenshots of?
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@_Phil_ This is Portfolio Performance, a pure PC application
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May we know what your average investment rate is per month?
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@CoronaCrashInvestor Of course! Very different over the last few years, of course. In the beginning it wasn't much, the last few years I was able to invest ~€2,500 per month. This year I'm at "only" ~€1,500, which is certainly still a relatively high savings rate.
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