
Trading volume is increasing, I think there are a few pump/dump trades in here $LUNA (+3,54 %)

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Top, thanks for drawing attention to it. Always into the pleasure. Or spoil. We will see
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@DonkeyInvestor I am already in ruin, can only get better 🤝🏽
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@DonkeyInvestor the current LUNA will become LUNA CLASSIC (LUNC) and LUNA 2.0 will become LUNA... probably won't happen with my millions after all 😭
But there will probably be an airdrop for all LUNC holders.
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@Doomer You seriously had this stuff in your own wallet?
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@Doomer do you have a source for me?
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@DonkeyInvestor Yep. Got out at 140% plus.
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@Doomer so I only hold on Binance
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@DonkeyInvestor Me too. Or how did you come across my own wallet?
Then you should get something from the new airdrop. The deadline was probably 07.05. and the fork is supposed to happen on 27.05.
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you have 2 unread mails boy
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@Moneten and he should charge his battery
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Etoro says no 😞
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@EnjoyCapitalism you better say no to etoro 🤮
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@DonkeyInvestor is my gambling portfolio for exactly such purposes. I prefer to share capital so as not to get stupid ideas
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@EnjoyCapitalism he has a gambler's depot in which he cannot gamble with the top gambler titles. Epic fail
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It's a real shame, I still have hope that the project will come back and not be dead.
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@Markuz time will tell, a revival plan is in the works from the Foundation
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