Hi Community, I need your swarm knowledge to help me select ETFs (or shares) to expand my portfolio to the Asian market (no China!). Possibly also towards Australia.
I'm not really happy with my selection yet, as I only want to have one more ETF, but there doesn't seem to be a suitable index?
At the moment I am leaning towards the following two:
$FVSJ (-1,15 %) for everything except China (and unfortunately Japan)
and then
$XDJP (-1,26 %) for Japan as compensation
maybe you know an "all-in-one"?
TER should be comparatively low.
I'd also like not so much IT, I already have more than enough ;-).
As I said, no or really only very little China (I sold mine $EIMI (-1,09 %) that's why I sold mine).
$FVSJ (-1,15 %) actually has too low a fund volume for me.
$IJPA (-1 %) would also be an alternative to $XDJP (-1,26 %) .
$SPYX (-2,4 %) is too expensive for me.
perhaps an Asia Pacific would also be interesting? Then I could also take Australia with me, e.g. $VAPU (-0,76 %) / $VAPX (-0,84 %) instead of $FVSJ (-1,15 %) ?
Opinions on this? Other ideas?
Thanks for your support
Source with info why Japan is not part of most Asia (Pacific) ETFs: https://www.justetf.com/de/how-to/invest-in-asia-pacific.html