
Hi Community, I need your swarm knowledge to help me select ETFs (or shares) to expand my portfolio to the Asian market (no China!). Possibly also towards Australia.

I'm not really happy with my selection yet, as I only want to have one more ETF, but there doesn't seem to be a suitable index?

At the moment I am leaning towards the following two:

$FVSJ (-1,15 %) for everything except China (and unfortunately Japan)

and then

$XDJP (-1,26 %) for Japan as compensation

maybe you know an "all-in-one"?

TER should be comparatively low.

I'd also like not so much IT, I already have more than enough ;-).

As I said, no or really only very little China (I sold mine $EIMI (-1,09 %) that's why I sold mine).

$FVSJ (-1,15 %) actually has too low a fund volume for me.

$IJPA (-1 %) would also be an alternative to $XDJP (-1,26 %) .

$SPYX (-2,4 %) is too expensive for me.

perhaps an Asia Pacific would also be interesting? Then I could also take Australia with me, e.g. $VAPU (-0,76 %) / $VAPX (-0,84 %) instead of $FVSJ (-1,15 %) ?

Opinions on this? Other ideas?

Thanks for your support


Source with info why Japan is not part of most Asia (Pacific) ETFs: https://www.justetf.com/de/how-to/invest-in-asia-pacific.html

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11 Comentarios

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@GoDividend also interesting, thank you! I hadn't even found it. I just think the TER of 0.55% is really high compared to the others mentioned. At the moment I'm more inclined to take one of the Japan ETFs and e.g. the $VAPU (or $VAPX) as well. The distribution is then similar (except Taiwan). Or am I missing something?
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In the end, I decided in favor of $FVSJ, by the way, just for the sake of completeness
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What is your idea? It seems to be an individual mixture of regional, economic and ideological diversification. Complicated.
So if your idea is already so tinkered with, then there's nothing wrong with your first suggestion. Asia ex China plus Japan. Everything else is expensive specialist stuff.
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@Epi I currently have a fairly tech and US-heavy portfolio (62% and correspondingly also 62% USD) (followed by DE), which is currently doing very well (35% return), but I would like to gain a greater foothold in the Asia-Pacific (and European) region in order to diversify more.

Of course not only with this one "move" from this article.
But this is a step in that direction.

Portfolio share (planned 70/30 ETF/individual stocks) for securities is 60-70% World ETF + 20-30% individual stocks (15-20 positions, currently quite tech-heavy 40%) + healthcare, comsum, industry (10% each) and a little bit of blobbing in other sectors which I would like to expand in the near future in order to be broadly positioned. The rest is 10-20% crypto, whereby the crypto share is due to high (>500% TTWRoR) (un)realized profits, little spent on it in total. Roughly and in a nutshell :)
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I have now also included $FVSJ, 10% of the portfolio, and did not want to include China or the Gulf States, but India and the Asian region. TER only 0.14%; fund volume at 11 million, still room for expansion. But as a bet, it's worth the risk to me. What did you ultimately decide on?
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@Ikigai thanks for your input. i haven't made a final decision yet, it always takes me a while with long-term investments. I will report
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@Ikigai I also have $LGAGand $SAJP on the shortlist for consideration
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@Booz the $LGAG would have too few titles for me and India is missing. As it is supposed to be a replacement for emerging markets for me, it doesn't really fit.
I don't know enough about Japan stocks. 😝
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@Ikigai The $EXCH is also still available, the fund volume is also higher
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@Booz as I would also like to do without the Gulf States and Turkey, the $EXCH doesn't fit either. 😁 Mexico and Brazil are not included, but there's always something!
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