
I am currently considering parting with $DHL (+11,71 %) and instead $UNP (+0,72 %) instead. I still have a 35-40 year investment horizon and am convinced that logistics will continue to be needed. My investment case for DHL was primarily the global positioning and distribution (see also Formula 1 sponsorship), but the persistently poor figures give me pause for thought. These are much better at Union Pacific, but they are only focused on the USA, which would increase my exposure there even more.

What do you think? What would you choose or do you know other companies in this sector that you think are better?

33 Comentarios

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All I can say is buy high sell low. DHL is one of the market leaders in international logistics - if you want to cut your sails now because of a small minus and focus only on the USA, then go for it. I wouldn't, although $UNP is certainly not a bad company - but only in the USA. I'd rather spend time at DHL in addition to the savings plan that's already underway.
$UPS $CNR $FDX $MAERSK A $MAERSK B would also be there if you are still looking for alternatives.
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@Dividenden-Sammler yes, that's why I'm unsure, because DHL is in Germany and I don't like that at all, but the company operates internationally and is the market leader with a strong diversification, and I don't want to go beyond the America share of the msci world. So you would rather buy and hold?
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@User03 yes, I'm sticking with $DHL - but I also have a position in $CNR in my 2nd portfolio. They are active in North America (USA & Canada)
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@Dividenden-Sammler okay thank you for your opinion ✌🏻
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@Dividenden-Sammler I opened my first position yesterday and will buy more if prices fall. Airbus and Linde will be gradually removed. I will otherwise banish European shares for the time being. Very good seasonal business at the DHL Group... Amazon, Christmas business, package delivery, letter postage increase. I am positive for a short-medium term development. There is a great dividend anyway.
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I would hold the DHL share. Especially now before the Christmas business. E-commerce, parcel business and express business will continue to grow. It is only the mail business that is losing from year to year. But that is structural. It will continue to decline with the spread of electronic signatures.
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@DenisVidukic is also an argument, it keeps going up. Yes, the number of employees, the high costs and the poor performance of the new CEO so far worry me...
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Basically worth considering, but I would remain patient for the time being. DHL has taken quite a beating in recent weeks. Would be a buy high sell low story at the moment
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Pull it off 😊👍
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@Simpson unschlüssig 👀😅
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I would sell DHL (I already have), as the share has no growth for me. It is moving sideways.
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@Pirat123 That is exactly my problem
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@User03 Why is that a problem? If the stock is nothing because it doesn't meet your criteria, then sell and reallocate. It's actually quite simple 😅
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@Pirat123 Yes, of course, but no other company has such a strong global presence, and with my investment horizon I'm happy to wait a year for the thing to go up
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@User03 the share hasn't really been going up for years. And just because it has a strong global presence, it can still be a pipe-dream in terms of growth... and for me DHL is such a candidate
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@Pirat123 really true 😅
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@User03 Some see DHL as a good dividend payer, which is perfectly legitimate. But I prefer to focus on growth. Dividends can also be suspended or stopped completely :) but hey, to each his own. The way you feel most comfortable
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@Pirat123 I'll have to think about it again, but thank you for your opinion in any case ✌🏻
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I am also thinking about selling German 💩 shares and buying more US shares
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@Georgi98 well, I don't want too much USA either, I'd rather have a global presence, which is the case with DHL, but somehow they can't manage it structurally...😅
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@User03 if US stocks are doing so well, why not, German stocks are for the most part simply moving sideways
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I don't see any significant change in the fundamental development of DHL and have used the fall in the share price to enter the market. DHL is a top international player in the logistics sector, and therefore an opportunity for me to diversify my US-heavy portfolio outside the USA.
Addendum: now, on November 6, there was another significant insider purchase by CEO Dr. Meyer. In my view, this is a positive signal
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At a pe of 13.2, dhl is a steal. Certainly given the great business outlook. The only thing dragging it down is the letters, but it's being replaced by the more profitable constantly increasing package business.

Why do you want to dump the share with such a long investment time Horizont?
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@Waldo to go into better investments :)
No but I think I will buy more of it this week, I just don’t like the fact that they have that much workers and a huge amount of costs
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@Waldo you are invested?
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@User03 yes, in the minus now but just topped again at 35 and have a limit order again at 34. Total position is not that large at 4k. I see it as a more stable position hedging against riskier tech shares and crypto.
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Main issue dragging it down, is debt. Given stubborn inflation, there is a risk the downward trend on interest rates won't persist.
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@Waldo okay 👍🏻
Just screen the logistics market and find growth stocks from all regions of the world in this sector. There are a few that are in a great position fundamentally and technically and will hopefully go up soon 🤫
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