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Europe is weighted accordingly in your $IWDA. If you also want to save in a Euro STOXX ETF, you are significantly overweighting Europe.
If you expect more growth in Europe over the next 20 years, that's fine.
Even if the stock markets in Europe are currently performing above average, they have statistically underperformed the USA in the past.
Personally, I have significantly overweighted the USA in my portfolio and have only picked out individual stocks from Europe.

But it's a decision you have to make for yourself. If in doubt, I would leave it at the World ETF without overweighting a region
Thank you very much - I'll think about it. Unfortunately, I'm not competent enough for educated guessing.
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This is also nothing to start with... No master has yet fallen from the sky... And that's exactly why there is a World ETF 😉.

Google home bias, a common beginner's mistake