Xometry connects producers and buyers in the manufacturing industry via its own platform. The market is super inefficient until now. Companies can search for producers for their individual production parts, which can be uploaded as CAD models, for example, according to quantity, size, price and quality. In other words, a marketplace for large-scale industrial production parts. Xometry takes care of logistics and payment. Smaller competitors are bought up and strategic partnerships are formed. For example, there are already interfaces in SolidWorks and Fusion 360, where prices and producers are displayed directly. BMW owns 6.78% of the shares, JPMorgan 1.79%. Well-known users of the platform are BMW, General Electric, Nasa, Dell and Bosch.
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Nicolas Professioneller Rolls Royce Großaktionär Coole Leute: @leveragegrinding, @SharkAce und @Lorena(aber die ist nen bisschen schüchtern)@getquinfuermerchverkauft
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