I wonder how great tit is doing ...
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@user35903002213 I'm doing well with it. I'm still in the black. The company will continue on its path. If you could see more than just the headline, you would be a bit further ahead. You don't really seem to be the brightest candle on the cake. I can live quite well with my +40% in the annual window. 😙
@Khlmysee If I have calculated correctly, the +40% should now be gone, is that right? Are you still in?
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@user35903002213 He couldn't see the wood for the trees. Now the poor guy has deleted his user.
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@user35903002213 had also bought 41,000 shares at €0.75...
Nothing with "in the plus" rather just lost 20K the poor guy...
@Psychorex Well, I already thought at the time that this green wave was politically broken and that companies like this would be a thing of the past.
@DeltaV The user still exists, but he has deleted all the annoying comments from back then in which he accused the others of being stupid.
@DeltaV He just hangs around on other sites where there are less haters (but talks pretty cocky there, had a good laugh), e.g. as "kohlmeyse" on boersennews.de (have fun), GetQuin is just so Boomer: https://www.boersennews.de/community/diskussion/hexagon-purus/49309/#moreComments
@DeltaV Latest shitpost from the tit on boersennews:

"@CAP1 Can you please annoy someone else with your Compleo narrative? How stupid do you think these forum members are?"

Awesome guy. There's no way he's stupid though. For sure.
@user35903002213 oops, -52% in one month, it's totally blatant how it keeps going down. Let's see what the stock market news forum has to say about this in the form of perseverance slogans from Kohlmeise.