Hello everyone,
I have two very similar ETFs. On the one hand the $XDWT (-0,33 %) and on the other hand the $VUSA (-0,3 %)
Both have a lot of similarities in terms of the composition of the largest 10 positions.
And therein lies the problem, there is not much diversification. Well, the $XDWT (-0,33 %) is globally diversified and has a slightly higher TER, but the focus here is also on the USA as far as tech stocks are concerned - the advantage lies in the greater diversification and the better performance in recent years.
I am considering selling my shares from the $VUSA (-0,3 %) and to switch completely to the $XDWT (-0,33 %) completely.
But I'm not sure about the decision yet - have I overlooked something? Is it "possible" to hold both? If so, what are the pros and cons of keeping both?