Don't you think it might still be a bit early?
•@SchlaubiSchlumpf For what? For the purchase? It doesn't matter, because it's long-term anyway
•@Seebi then it's not too early to sound like "I sold a gold position here to buy on a dip. If the gold is something to reallocate, I would have waited until a big dip actually comes.
@SchlaubiSchlumpf I wouldn't necessarily have sold gold, but it's never too early for the msci
•@Seebi That's right. I have nothing against the msci world either. I know people (my girlfriend, friends) who are invested in the msci world 😂
I only held out the prospect that it could fall further. Which has happened so far. Although of course that was just pure coincidence and my assessments of the market were generally lousy.
I only held out the prospect that it could fall further. Which has happened so far. Although of course that was just pure coincidence and my assessments of the market were generally lousy.
@SchlaubiSchlumpf Of course it can fall, but if you take a long-term view, the entry point is irrelevant
@Seebi Jo as I said, my understanding from the post was that it wasn't just about a long term purchase.
I don't quite agree with you either. The price does play a role. Unfortunately, we can't predict how it will behave. That's why I always say that the best time is now.
I don't quite agree with you either. The price does play a role. Unfortunately, we can't predict how it will behave. That's why I always say that the best time is now.
•@SchlaubiSchlumpf Just to be clear: Of course I can well imagine that it will go down even further. As I have a long investment horizon and am not dependent on the money in the short term, I don't mind if the world continues to fall. In the past, I've generally found that I'd rather invest a little too early than too late. I am considering liquidating my gold position and Bitcoin completely at €95 per share and reallocating.
•@Scorcer real? Gold why?