
Why you yourself are the biggest threat to your success on the stock market 📈📉⚠️

The stock market rises, the stock market falls - but the biggest threat to your long-term success is sitting right in front of your screen: Emotions and panicked decisions often cost investors more money than any crisis.


1. panic selling - the most expensive mistake

  • Prices collapse and suddenly everyone sells. Why? Fear!
  • In the long term, however, markets almost always rise - those who stay calm win.
  • Example: Those who sat out the 2020 corona crash were able to take very high profits.

2. greed eats brains - the hunt for quick money

  • Hype stocks, meme stocks or "safe 1000% winners" - sounds good, often ends badly.
  • Many invest without understanding the company.
  • Successful investors do not buy what is hot, but what is strong in the long term.

3. market timing? (Almost) never works!

  • "I wait until the perfect moment comes..." Spoiler: There is no such thing!
  • Most of the best days on the stock market happen directly after major crashes - those who are not invested then miss out on huge gains.

⚠️ Anyone who has missed 20 of the best days on the stock market in the last 20 years has achieved over 50 % less return.

4. the best strategy: discipline & long-termism

Diversify broadly: ETFs, quality stocks, cash reserves.

✅ Stay calm: Crises are normal - and often the best buying opportunities.

✅ Invest regularly: Those who buy continuously (e.g. via a savings plan) benefit from the cost-average effect.

💡 Conclusion: Your emotions are your biggest enemy on the stock market. Those who invest for the long term and are not driven by fear or greed have the best chance of success.

🔥 What investment mistake have you ever made? Write it in the comments!

🔍 Disclaimer: No investment advice - just my personal opinion. Everyone should do their own research!

22 Comentarios

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Thank you 😊👍 You should repost your post every week on getquin 😁👍
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@Simpson @bull_investor_1917 When does a crash start for you?
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I stubbornly only buy via a savings plan and that for every position.

When prices go up, I'm happy about the price gains.
When prices go down, I buy more shares and therefore more dividends to increase the savings plans and/or start new ones.

This allows me to relax and I don't have to check my portfolio every day
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one mistake I have made is to sell winners too early
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@SemiGrowth Profit is profit and nobody can see into the future.
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Thanks for the refresher! 🥰
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Great contribution - thank you very much! So true!
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Gracias. Very well presented. :) I have affected all points at some point :D
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@NoOneElse Many thanks for your support 😁
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Great post, should be pinned 🚀
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@DerAkti0naer Thank you for your feedback 😊
You are the biggest danger because you listen to the media and didn't get into $TSLA at €200 🤣
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@user24790529394 Thank you very much 😊
I am always factual in my posts, and when I express my opinion, I mark it clearly 😉
If I haven't written objectively in a particular place, please feel free to let me know so that I know where I can improve...
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My mistake is that I go over my purchase plan very often when there is a very good opportunity (yes, that works out in the end, but...). I try to control it as not to have unplanned payments. You can't have them all....
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I have often identified winners in the past. Then I don't get in on time or sell early during a correction and then things really take off. Sometimes it's easier in theory than in practice. Plans that you don't follow don't achieve their goal. 😄
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The greatest danger is politics
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The greatest danger is the SPD & CDU 😂
that's how it looks. great time for long positions at the moment.
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@MajorBlair I have no problem with your opinion (it's also called tolerance) 😁
And when I express my opinion, I mark it clearly...
If I have not written objectively enough in one place, then you are welcome to report this back to me so that I know where I can improve...
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