
Conversion of my depot from Q2 2025!!!

Thank you for your constructive tips, suggestions and criticism!!! 👍🏻👌🏻 (@Chucky075 , @DADlikesCRYPTO , @Aktienmasseur , @Meikl_22 , @Dividenden-Sammler , @Berliner_Weltenbummler , @Epi)

I sat down and picked my portfolio apart. I evaluated each stock & ETF. I took a close look at the performance and dividend yield of the individual stocks and rated them according to points. Based on this points plan, I selected 6 ETFs for the new portfolio.


From 22 ETF titles, only 6 ETFs remain. I have selected the following ETFs:

All shares remain in place and are saved through savings plans. Furthermore, I have decided to leave the remaining 16 ETFs in the portfolio, but not to save any more.

The allocation of the portfolio should consist of 70% ETFs and 30% individual shares. The savings installment is EUR 800.00 per month. EUR 240.00 will be invested in individual shares and EUR 560.00 in the above-mentioned ETFs.

What do you think?

Do you have any tips or ideas?

Of course, I hope I've found the right approach now. 🙈🙊

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I find it difficult to judge. It's like a friend asking you whether his new car should have 2 or 4 doors. How would you know? You'll have to ask him what he intends to do with the car and what his expectations are.
So: what are you interested in? Max return? Min max drawdown? Min vola? What is your goal, what is your risk profile?

Without everything, I would always recommend the Epi portfolio: 60% world AG, 20% gold, 20% BTC. Above-average return with average risk. Unfortunately, your suggestions have neither. 🤷
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Thank you for this criticism. 👍🏻👌🏻
I should really think about what I want. Den. Everyone has a different strategy anyway.

But thank you very much anyway! 👌🏻
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@_ake_ Don't see it as criticism, but as a question and a hint.
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Okay, I see it as a hint. But criticism would also be perfectly okay for me. I can only learn from that. 👌🏻👍🏻
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@_ake_ Good attitude! That's how I feel too. You can learn the most from objective criticism.
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That's why I take all this with me and can only find the right path for me. I also have to admit that I don't have that much experience. That's why I think this helps me a lot more to ask the right questions and find the right answers. 👍🏻👌🏻
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You can save all the energy and work you put into it and invest it in meaningful areas of your life/life goals.

I can hardly imagine that you will outperform the MSCI World, let alone the Nasdaq, over the next 20 years. I wouldn't put myself through all that stress on the side.

In addition, I find the construct anything but promising (just my personal opinion) you have 3 "bad world" etfs that are almost all structured in the same way, which also have a very very low fund volume, i.e. the probability is much higher that these things will be closed at some point if they are simply not profitable and then what? Then you can completely restructure everything, the same applies to individual shares. Then the two Europe etfs with 35% Germany?

So I would go for a Nasdaq/S&P or Msci or Ftse if you like, or even 4-5 div. stocks from different regions and that's it. As an admixture maybe em market (I don't think much of it but if you think it makes sense) or crypto.
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Thank you for your feedback! 👌🏻👍🏻
That helps me a lot more than trying to make everything look good.

As I wrote in the previous comment, I'm really going to think again about what I want and how I'm going to tackle the whole thing.

Thank you very much anyway! 👌🏻
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I have to hand it to you for sitting down and dealing with the issue. The will is already there.

It's much more important to get started and do it, the rest will come with time. Maybe in three years you'll say the strategy isn't for you after all and throw everything overboard. Then that's the case, but then you'll also find a new solution.

As I said, the important thing is to keep at it, sleep soundly, constantly increase your savings rate and try to achieve the maximum return in as little time as possible. And that's what you've been doing for decades with a boring world ETF. If you need the addition, do it, I do it too, because it's simply more fun, but focus on the core.
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Thank you for the kind words. 👍🏻👌🏻 I have to admit that I probably still don't know enough about it and need to sit down again to get to grips with the subject properly. That's why I really appreciate all the tips, suggestions and criticism. You can only grow from that.

I've actually been doing what I think for almost 10 years and so far I've done relatively well.

I don't necessarily have to achieve high returns or performance. It should be balanced and 5% is perfectly fine for me.

Of course, it could always be more, but if I achieve a return of around 5%, it's already very good for me.
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I can't go along with the idea of the 5%. If you had a 500k portfolio later and had to choose between 5% and 10%, who wouldn't take the 10%? That's a difference of 25k per year. Simply for the same
Why do I see so many positions here and no NVIDIA?!?!??
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Because NVIDIA is not a stock that is of interest to me. That's why it's not in my portfolio.
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Thanks for your feedback!!! 👌🏻👍🏻
I tried to reconcile the performance with the dividend yield. But I suspect it's not the right way. That's why I really need to think about what I really want and what goal I'm pursuing. That doesn't seem to be entirely clear to me yet.

I agree with you that dividends aren't everything. I also need to take this topic on board and think about it.

But thank you very much nonetheless! 👌🏻
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@_ake_ Dividends should not play a role in a portfolio. It's just left pocket right pocket.
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I think I will have to read up on this again.

It will probably just be a psychological headache. Having the feeling that variable funds are coming in continuously every month.

I will look into this in more detail again.
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