Thank you for your constructive tips, suggestions and criticism!!! 👍🏻👌🏻 (@Chucky075 , @DADlikesCRYPTO , @Aktienmasseur , @Meikl_22 , @Dividenden-Sammler , @Berliner_Weltenbummler , @Epi)
I sat down and picked my portfolio apart. I evaluated each stock & ETF. I took a close look at the performance and dividend yield of the individual stocks and rated them according to points. Based on this points plan, I selected 6 ETFs for the new portfolio.

From 22 ETF titles, only 6 ETFs remain. I have selected the following ETFs:
- $HMWO (-1,48 %)
EUR 460.00 from the savings rate (approx. 82.14%)- $AHYQ (-1,55 %)
EUR 40.00 from the savings rate (approx. 7.14%)- $FUSD (-1,12 %)
EUR 40.00 from the savings rate (approx. 7.14 %)- $EXH5 (-0,69 %)
EUR 40.00 from the savings rate (approx. 7.14 %)- $XIEE (-1,25 %)
EUR 40.00 of the savings installment (approx. 7.14 %)- $QYLE (-3,21 %)
EUR 40.00 from the savings installment (approx. 7.14 %)
All shares remain in place and are saved through savings plans. Furthermore, I have decided to leave the remaining 16 ETFs in the portfolio, but not to save any more.
The allocation of the portfolio should consist of 70% ETFs and 30% individual shares. The savings installment is EUR 800.00 per month. EUR 240.00 will be invested in individual shares and EUR 560.00 in the above-mentioned ETFs.
What do you think?
Do you have any tips or ideas?
Of course, I hope I've found the right approach now. 🙈🙊