
Insights from the E.ON Analysts' Conference - Setting the course for the energy transition

The conference call of E.ON ($EOAN (+2,33 %)) for the full year 2024 revealed a company that is not only financially financially sound, but also has clear strategic priorities for the coming years. coming years.

With adjusted EBITDA of €9 billion E.ON reached the upper end of its forecast range, underlining the company's strong operating performance. Investments increased to 7.5 billion eurosan increase of 1 billion compared to the previous yearwhich demonstrates E.ON's determination to actively shape the energy transition.

A central theme of the conference was the transformation of the energy networks. E.ON is increasingly focusing on digitalization, standardization and automationto increase efficiency and prepare the infrastructure for the growing demand for electricity. Already today significant progress in the digital networking of the gridsamong other things through the introduction of new asset management platforms and optimized customer billing systems.

In the Energy Retail segment segment, E.ON was able to further expand its digital customer platform, which led to a noticeable improvement in customer satisfaction. Particularly flexible tariff modelsthat enable consumers to benefit from benefit from the volatility of energy pricesrepresent a forward-looking growth area area.

E.ON has increased its five-year investment plan for energy networks by a further billion to 43 billion euros. This decision was primarily driven by regulatory improvements in Germanywhich allow accelerated depreciation of the gas grids allow.

However, the company made it clear that attractive regulatory framework conditions are a basic prerequisite for further investments. E.ON expects investments to investments to remain at a high level beyond 2028with possible increases from 2029 depends on the attractiveness of the new regulatory period will depend on the attractiveness of the new regulatory period.

One interesting aspect was the discussion about the future demand for electricity. E.ON sees a a significant increase in demandmainly due to electrification of transport and heating as well as the increasing energy requirements of AI data centers. centers. In the long term, this development could help to put the energy transition on a broader economic footing and keep electricity costs stable.

In the subsequent Q&A session focused in particular on the upcoming regulatory decisions in Germany, the investment planning and possible political influences in the focus.

A central topic was the next regulatory period from 2029. Several analysts asked about E.ON's expectationsespecially with regard to future returns for grid operators. Management emphasized that the regulatory regulatory framework will determine whether private investors will continue to provide capital for the modernization of grid infrastructure. By the end of 2025, E.ON expects more clarity on the exact regulatory requirements.

The The effects of the German elections on energy policy were also a topic. E.ON was confidentthat the that the need for high investment in the energy will be widely recognized politically - regardless of the outcome of the elections. A possible comeback of nuclear power was ruled out by the management for Germany.

Another point of discussion was the grid fees. Analysts asked about the potential impact of the planned political measures to reduce the feesespecially in connection with the CDU plans. E.ON explained that the debate is primarily focused on the transmission grid levelwhile at the regional distribution grid level, alternative relief mechanisms are conceivablefor example through revenue from CO₂ auctions or tax adjustments on electricity prices.

With regard to CapEx planning from 2027 or 2028, management explained that a possible increase in investments is dependent on regulatory clarity and attractive return conditions. E.ON remains committed to its value creation criteria.

The conference call conveyed a clear picture of E.ON as a strategically well-positioned company that will benefit from the energy transition.

With strong financial results, increasing investments in network infrastructure and a clear digitalization strategy E.ON remains a key player in the transformation of the energy sector. The planned 43 billion euros in investments underline the long-term potential of the company. However, success depends heavily on attractive regulatory conditionsespecially with a view to the next regulatory period from 2029.

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4 Comentarios

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Thanks for your contribution!

However, most people are mainly interested in the rising dividend 🚀 😬
@Kapital_Koala it will probably rise again this year to €0.55 I'm curious
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Thank you for these insights!
In addition to important and interesting topics, something like 'was able to further expand the digital customer platform' is discussed, which I find strange, as a sensible 'digital customer platform' has been a matter of course for 20 years now.
In my view, the dividend at E.ON has always been too high.
The company should have invested the money in nuclear power abroad instead of paying out dividends.
With a P/B ratio of ~2, I do not expect the share price to rise significantly
have held E.ON in my portfolio since 2004. Also experienced prices around €50.
After that, it always went down, first minus 50%, then, after Fukushima, the share lost another 50% in value thanks to Merkel & Co - keyword nuclear phase-out.
The spin-off of Uniper with free shares was a nice thing, but unfortunately I didn't realize the profits in time.
Thank you, very interesting in any case. Also to have a look "behind the scenes". Yes, the dividend tastes good of course and ensures low electricity costs. Or the bill.
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