Hello dear community,
I would like to take the opportunity to have my portfolio evaluated and to catch one or two tips.
I have been actively investing since 2018.
I used my first investments for our wedding. I made a good profit back then and have been investing again since 01/2022 - starting at €0.
(Comments on the sense of liquidating a portfolio for the wedding can be made, but remain uncommented on my part - every € was worth it "back then" 😉).
My focus is very technology-heavy, as this is where my personal interest lies, I "know" the companies and I simply see great potential there in the near future.
This is also why I have bought more individual shares and set up a savings plan for them (only recently).
How do I save each month?
- 800€ call money (until there is € 10T, then reduced to € 200)
- 300€ vacation fund
- 100€ Bison (50€ ETH / 50€ BTC)
- 600€ savings plan shares / ETF (100€ $NVDA (-0,96 %) 50€ $MSFT (-2,24 %) 50€ $AMZN (-2,46 %) 180€ $XDWT (-0,82 %) 120€ $IWDA (-0,59 %) 100€ $VUSA (-0,65 %) )
How would I like to save in the future?
- Reduce savings in call money and put the difference into ETFs
- Reduce vacation fund if =3000€ (in 3 months)
- Possibly start saving in an India ETF. In contrast to China, I see great potential here
- Consider investing in other stocks such as chemicals (hydrogen) / mining (uranium)
I would be very happy to receive constructive feedback!